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i don't wanna look at anything else now that i saw you.

anne was speechless. gilbert knew her too well. he knew that she didn't like the whole cliché dinner and a movie date. he knew her love for the outdoors, the love she held for avonlea. so, gilbert blythe had spent the afternoon preparing a picnic for the two by the barry's pond. he had made sure to get her favourite foods, her favourite drinks, and even made sure he got her a bunch of her favourite flowers.

(imagine it looking something like this)

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(imagine it looking something like this)

"oh, these are for you." said gilbert as he picked up the bunch of sunflowers. anne smiled widely at him.

"gilbert, this is amazing. i can't believe you did this for me." said anne, gently taking the sunflowers from gilbert's hands and brought them to her face so she could smell them. "thank you."

"thank god you like it. you don't know how much i've been panicking all day." said gilbert with a laugh, walking over and sitting down on the blanket. anne did the same, taking off her boots as she sat down.

"i think i'd like anything if it was with you." she said quietly, not looking up at him. she wasn't lying though, she really would like anything if he was there.

gilbert smiled widely, but didn't say anything as he figured she probably didn't want him to hear that. which he was right about, so she was grateful he didn't say a word.


anne and gilbert were laying on their backs looking up at the now darkened sky. gilbert had brought battery powered lanterns, so they could still see each other.

"where did you apply for college?" gilbert suddenly asked her. they had never talked about college before.

"well, i applied for queens. i thought i'd try somewhere local, just because i'd hate to leave matthew and marilla. but i also applied to nyu, and university of toronto. i only applied to nyu to see if i'd actually be able to get in, but i doubt i will." anne explained, turning her head to look at him. he looked back at her, a faint smile on his lips. "what about you? where did you apply to, dr blythe?"

"i stayed local, i didn't want to be too far away from bash and mary. they need help with the farm sometimes." said gilbert. he looked back up at the sky after a moment, thinking about how it was only four months until they go to college.

"gil..we only have this summer. then we're going to probably be living in different cities." anne said quietly, her eyes never leaving his face. he stayed silent for a moment, before he eventually turned his head to face her again. he gave her a weak smile, grabbing her hand and interlocking their fingers gently.

"it'll be okay. we're us. we can call all the time, text all the time. we won't lose each other." he reassured her. he saw the corners of her mouth twitch up, before she flashed him a toothy smile.

"promise?" she whispered, their faces dangerously close. his eyes wandered all over her face, at her freckles, her ocean eyes, her lips. he flicked his eyes back up to hers, before smiling himself.

"promise." he said. he let go of her hand, propping himself up onto his side using his elbow. he leaned over her slightly, using his finger to gently trace over her freckles as if they were a dot to dot puzzle. being able to be this close to anne when their feelings were out in the open was such an important thing to gilbert. he knew how she felt. she knew how he felt. there was no more hiding.

anne smiled softly as his finger traced the skin under her eyes and over her nose. her eyes closed for a moment, savouring the sweet moment in her mind. when she opened her eyes, she noticed something. he was giving her the look that he had given her many times since they first met, but she had only just realised what it meant. it was the look that held everything he felt for her, the look that was only ever saved for her.

he gently pushed some of her fiery red hair away from her face, admiring how beautiful she looked in the dark lighting. he found she always looked beautiful no matter what lighting she was in.

"what are you doing to me, shirley?" he asked her quietly. she smiled at him, watching as his eyes would flick down to her lips every so often. kiss me. she thought. just kiss me. she kept thinking it, wondering that if she thought it enough he would just do it.

"i don't know, blythe, what am i doing to you?" whispered anne. he laughed quietly in response, still leaning over the redhead. should i just ask him to kiss me?, that would just make me look like an idiot. anne thought to herself. thank god he can't hear what i'm thinking right now.

she lifted her hand to press softly on his cheek, the two teens wearing loving smiles. it was weird to think that only two days ago they were best friends who didn't know they had feelings for each other. now, they were closer than they'd ever been.

anne decided to take matters into her own hands, moving her hand to the back of his neck. she watched the shock on his face as she gently pulled his head down, as she leaned hers up. she let out a small giggle, their lips lightly touching for a moment.

gilbert was surprised at anne's sudden bold move, but he wasn't going to complain. truth be told, he had wanted to kiss her this whole time but he was too nervous to actually do it. he was brought out of his shock when she giggled, making him smile at her.

with their lips lightly touching, the two teens felt their hearts pound. their stomachs full of those annoying butterflies they had now grown to love. their eyes both fluttering closed, gilbert's hand caressing anne's cheek gently, anne's hand at the back of gilbert's neck. all of the built up feelings and savoured moments had led up to this.

gilbert took all of the courage he had inside of himself to finally press his lips firmly, but gently onto anne's. she kissed back almost immediately.

everything was put into that kiss. all of the feelings, all of the memories they had shared, all of the almost moments. it was passionate, desperate, but loving and gentle. it was the perfect first kiss. both knew exactly how they felt in that moment, and it was so clear to them that it was love. if they had ever been unsure of it before, they now knew.

anne always believed everyone had at least one great love in their life, but she never expected hers to be gilbert blythe.

A/N: hi guys!!! i'm so sorry this chapter took longer than expected to publish! i was going to publish yesterday but then i saw it chapter 2....twice in the same day....
it was an emotional rollercoaster let me tell you THAT!! reddie is real. that is all.
anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter !!! finally, a god damn kiss!!!
don't forget to comment & vote!

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