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i'm dressed like a fucking queen.

he was staring, again. for the past week, he kept staring at her during the lessons they shared. and during lunch. and at pretty much any chance he got. in english, he couldn't take his eyes off of her. he was admiring her hair, and her freckles scattered all over her face. the outfit she wore that day had him in a trance. he didn't know how on earth she always managed to look so beautiful.

(anne's outfit)

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(anne's outfit)

she wondered why he stared so much. was he secretly laughing at her horrid hair? even though last week he had told her he liked her hair. was he making fun of the abundance of freckles that were spread out across her cheeks and over her nose? did she have something on her face? did she look stupid? she just couldn't figure it out.

"okay, i've decided i have a crush on gilbert." ruby announced as the group walked down the corridor at school. anne giggled softly, shaking her head.

"ruby, you've known him a week!" anne said, looking towards the blonde girl. ruby grinned, nodding her head.

"i know, but we've talked a lot the past week. he's really sweet, you know. i think maybe he might like me too." said ruby, smiling softly. ruby was so innocent. diana and cole both knew that gilbert had some sort of thing for anne, although anne herself was extremely unaware of it.

"well, i hope it works out for you." anne said, supportive of her best friend. she hoped gilbert wouldn't hurt ruby, she was too fragile for that.

"hope what works out?" gilbert suddenly asked, appearing beside anne. she looked up at him, rolling her eyes.

"how do you just always come out of nowhere? you're so creepy. it's like you're lurking somewhere waiting for us." anne said, making gilbert laugh.

"i just seem to always be in the right place at the right time." gilbert said with a wide smile. ruby was practically drooling, quickly moving to stand on the other side of him so that he was in between her and anne.

"uh huh. sure." anne said, turning away from him.

"so gilbert, are you going to billy's party on friday?" ruby asked, a hopeful look in her eyes. he smiled at her, nodding his head.

"sure. are you going?" he asked her. anne watched as the petite blonde girl nearly choked, she wasn't expecting him to ask her that.

"yes! i am. maybe we could have a dance?" ruby inquired sweetly, flashing her signature smile. gilbert chuckled softly, nodding his head.

"sure, ruby." he answered, before turning to look at anne. "are you going?" he asked. she furrowed her brows, shrugging her shoulders.

"i mean, probably." she said. why did he care if she went or not?

"cool. well, i have to go. see you guys later." said gilbert as he began to walk away, getting small goodbyes from the girls and cole.

"he's so dreamy." ruby said after he was out of earshot, twirling around. jane laughed softly, nodding her head.

"i know! he's so handsome. why aren't all boys like him?" jane agreed, grinning widely.

"i personally don't know what you all see in him." anne said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders. her friends, even cole, turned to face her, raising their eyebrows.

"oh shut up, even i know he's the most handsome boy you've ever seen anne. apart from me, of course." cole said as he laughed. anne was stubborn, but she was never one to deny beauty, unless it was about her.

"he's annoying. he's like a bug, you can't get rid of him! he just shows up out of nowhere." anne complained, folding her arms over her chest as the group stood outside of the school.

"uh huh, okay anne. anyways, see you guys tomorrow!" cole said, before walking off towards his house. they all parted ways, apart from anne and diana.

"what do you have against gilbert?" diana suddenly asked, turning to her best friend.

"i just think he's obnoxious. and all the girls seem to love him! i don't understand why." anne said with a shrug of her shoulders. diana frowned for a moment.

"he's sweet. he's a really nice guy, anne. i think you'd get along with him if you tried." diana attempted to reason, smiling towards anne.

"i don't know. i guess. i know how hard i find it to make friends. i don't actually mean to be rude, i just don't really know how to talk to people properly. and he just infuriates me. he just comes to school all handsome and nice and within a week everyone loves him." anne said, scoffing at the end. diana grinned cheekily, raising one eyebrow.

"he's handsome, huh?" diana said playfully, nudging her friend. anne looked at her, glaring softly.

"shut up." she muttered.

the two continued their journey home, diana tormenting her the whole time. that is the last time anne ever admits a boy is handsome, let alone gilbert blythe.


A/N: hi! sorry this chapter is a little boring ! it gets better, i promise :')
thank you all for all the love & support on this story! you're all amazing :)
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