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An Absol.

I hate Absol. Hate them with a passion. Not because of what they are, but what they stand for. My whole life, I've been seeing them. It, rather. It's actually just one. Every time I see it, someone I care about dies.

I saw the Absol for the first time when I was only six years old. My mother and I were taking a walk in the woods near our house. It was a large forest, and it had all sorts of small Pokemon in it. Seedot, Oddish, Zigzagoon, Taillow, a few Poochyena and even the occasional Marill. I loved walking in those woods with my mother and seeing all the little creatures run about.

My mother always brought her Linoone, Breeze, to walk alongside us in case we were ever attacked, but we never were.

Breeze was a quiet, gentle creature, and very kind to me and my brother and sister. She never got upset when we spilled juice on her, or bit us when we might have pulled her fur by accident, she was always calm and relaxed. That day, when we were walking through those woods, everything was still and quiet. We hadn't seen any of the usual Pokemon.

All of a sudden Breeze curled up into a tiny ball, and started growling and whimpering, pure fear shining in her bright blue eyes.

"What's wrong, Breeze?" my mother asked, trying to soothe the rattled Linoone.

I followed where Breeze's eyes were pointing, and it was then I saw it. Perched on a log, directly in the center of a sun-dappled clearing was an Absol. I didn't know what it was at the time. It looked lighter than air, like the slightest wind might blow it over. It was on its toes, ready to spring up and flee at any moment.

My mouth hung open in awe of the strange and beautiful creature. My mother didn't see it, she was too occupied with trying to pacify Breeze. I suddenly snapped out of my stupor.

"Mama! MAMA! A Pokemon! A big white one! Mama!" I hollered.

My mother sat up.


I turned around again, pointing a pudgy finger at the clearing.

"Right over.... There... Where did it go?"

The creature had gone. Breeze stood up again, barking at the spot where I had been pointing, before tearing off into the woods.

"BREEZE! NO! WAIT!" my mother cried, before sighing. The Linoone was gone.

"What did the Pokemon look like, Mickey?"

"It was big and white and fluffy, and it had big black claws, and a black tail, and a black horn on its head to match!"

My mother's hands flew to her mouth, and her eyes widened.

"Honey, that was an Absol. We have to get home and call your father."

"But Breeze-"

"No buts. Breeze is smart, she can find her own way home. We have to go. Now!"

Shocked at my mother's abruptness, I meekly let her drag me home by my arm. I didn't know what was going on, but if it had anything to do with father, it had to be important. My father traveled most of the time, and wasn't home very often, but always brought us the nicest gifts when he found time to come home to his family.

Soon we were home. My mother raced to the phone, her fingers flying over the buttons as she dialed in the numbers. She was almost completely silent for several long minutes, her ear pressed to the phone with her only sounds being grunts and a few words here and there. Then suddenly she began to sob.

Young as I was, I knew something was wrong, even as she hung up the phone, trying to contain herself.

"Mama? What happened to Daddy?"

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