Call of Charon

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Okay, so this happened to me almost a week ago or so, give or take. I was on the bus on my way to school, playing my Soul Silver on my DS, when the bus lurched a little at a stop. This wasn't unusual, a lot of the city buses were in disrepair and their engines stalling was common. I only sighed in annoyance at this-until something slid from the back of the bus after its sudden stop, the object coming to a halt by my seat.

It appeared to be an abandoned Pokewalker, to my surprise. I bent down and picked it up to have a closer look, distracting myself with it while the bus driver tried valiantly to restart the engines, all other passengers around me groaning impatiently. Upon closer inspection though, I frowned that the little Pokewalker was fairly scuffed and dirty, but worst yet was the screen on the thing.

The clear plastic covering had been scratched badly, looking as if someone had done it on purpose with keys or something to the point that it would be otherwise near impossible to tell what kind of Pokémon was within-that is if the thing supposedly even worked. Curious, my thumb hovered over the middle power button, debating if I should turn it on or not.

That was about when the bus suddenly started running again, the sound startling me to where I simply tucked the Pokewalker into my bag. I forgot about it all through the bus drive and through my classes until I finally got home later that evening. I was digging in my bag when I got comfortable at home, surprised when my fingers brushed the mangled Pokewalker I'd forgotten.

I looked at it over again, and honestly couldn't help feeling a bit of pity. Shrugging, I figured it was worth a try as I pulled out my DS, and finally turned the little Pokewalker on-further shocked to hear it beep to life. I squinted at the scraped screen, feeling even more sorry for the homeless Pokémon when I discovered, with some difficulty that it was a Gardevoir inside. Gardevoir you see are one of my most favorite Pokémon, and it was really sad someone would just abandon theirs like this. There was no way this thing hadn't been damaged on purpose I figured, so I hoped beyond hope that maybe-just maybe I could get it into my own game.

I started up my Soul Silver to the Pokewalker menu, and pointed the device to my DS card, finding the Connect function with obvious difficulty. My jaw dropped. It connected! 'Charon has returned from its walk!' I couldn't help but smile at the warm feeling of adopting this poor Pokémon as its data streamed into my DS-up until something went horribly wrong. The sprite didn't finish loading-stopping right when only the vague shape of Gardevoir appeared on screen and it suddenly went seemed to freeze. I panicked, realizing I had probably accidentally downloaded a glitched or hacked Pokémon of some kind.

I went to shut it off in hopes of saving my data-when the dialogue box went from showing the vague Gardevoir-ish shape to stating 'Saving, do not shut off the power'. It wasn't frozen I realized, but was still a little stumped why Charon's-as the Gardevoir's name seemed to be, sprite didn't want to load. That was then I also noted that it didn't go to a small journal about Charon's 'adventures' in its Pokewalker either.

I decided I'd have a look at the Pokémon as soon as I could, so I let the game finish saving, before starting up my game again. I was already in a Pokémon center, so immediately I booted up the PC to check my boxes. I found Charon's sprite and selected it to have a look at its stats. I nearly screamed and dropped my DS in horror when I finally got a good look at his sprite and his cry.

Charon was a disturbing sight for a Gardevoir, the skin was a dark ugly green and hair an odd, dark shade of an almost purple. His eyes were solid black-not just his pupils, and dripping what looked like an equally black ooze, and where his horn should be on his chest was the same black ooze too and a hole, as if the horn had been completely torn out. His cry was garbled somehow and almost sound as if he were in pain.

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