We predict your fate

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I was never a hardcore Pokemon gamer, and I never realized the oddity of certain events in my games until long after they had happened. Just hours prior to writing this, I realized they were all connected, or seemed to be. To be honest, I don't know what to make of this. I haven't told anyone, or seek help, but I've decided to share my story to the world, in hopes that someone can help me. Here are the most important occurrences.


When I was 10, my first Pokemon game I played was Sapphire, and I had played that game extensively when it came out. I loved playing with my Mudkip, Nema, and my Ralts, Aftae. I beat the gym leaders rather easily, I evolved both to their maximum in a very short time, and I was quite overpowered at nearly every point in the game.

I made my way to the Victory Road. The trainers were easily defeated. At the end of the Victory Road, I fought Wally, and I wiped the floor with him before he could faint either Nema or Aftae. Defeated, I expected him to come out and finish with some dialogue. His sprite didn't show up, but instead, his Gardevoir. It's cry was heavily distorted, and lasted for several seconds. The tune for winning never played.

It's fin and eyes were black, and the game gained a blue hue. Without pressing any buttons, my character (named Exc [Short for Exclaimer]) sent out Aftae, my own Gardevoir. The opponent used Destiny Bond, which I found odd, because Wally never used the move in the battle. The text afterwards was as expected for the move. I was never given any options afterwards, though, and it said...

Aftae used PREDICT!

No animation showed. The dialogue after that said:

Aftae predicted it's fate!

That was especially odd. I never taught Aftae Predict, and I knew that the dialogue was different. I was getting chills from it, but I continued anyways.


Even more eerie. The animation was absent this time, too. He never used Predict in the battle either. The text afterwards said:

GARDEVOIR predicted Exc's fate!

I was genuinely scared at this moment, but I assumed that this was part of the normal game. Even though I was 10 at the time, I knew it was odd for a Pokemon game to be so eerie.

During all this, I never pressed a button. Now, though, I was mashing buttons to see if any of them gave me an option. None did. I considered switching my Gameboy off, but I decided not to.

Aftae didn't use a move this time; instead, my character appeared alongside Aftae, as if in a team battle.


The normal animation was replaced with one of an actual guillotine descending upon me and my Pokemon. The screen, when the blade appeared to have cut through the two sprites, cut to black, froze, and showed nothing else. Restarting my game, it went straight to the menu. My save file was there, but with no badges, and no time elapsed. Did I just lose all of my progress? I thought, and in frustration, I turned off the game, put it away, and went off to do something else.

The next day, I noticed I had a really bad cramp in my neck.


A few years ago, my interest in Pokemon flared up again. Having packed up my gameboy a few months prior, before moving to where I now live, I only had my computer immediately available for me to use. I downloaded a Gameboy emulator, along with a Pokemon Emerald ROM. Fun was had, memories were acquired (albeit a different, but very similar game), and my old team was back. Nema and Aftae were as overpowered as usual, except I had much more ease with my heightened sense of strategy.

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