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This is a good one.

I just got Pokémon Black the other day! 'bout time, too, I was tired of hearing all of my friends talk about it and

rubbing it in my faces. I'm gonna kick butt soon after I train them up a bit. I just got my second badge, too, which is fun. You know what else is awesome?

Liberty Pass!

Yep. 'bout time on this thing, too. It took forever to figure out how to do the Wi-Fi on my DS, but I finally got it working. I don't recall much about the island where Victini is apparently dormant, but I do remember it being fairly weak, so I'll have to be careful. I think I can handle it, though.

After eating dinner, I quickly ran upstairs to catch my Victini. I booted up my DSi, then quickly skipped past the title screen so I could hurry to Libery Pier. The sailor in front of the dock greeted me, then allowed me on board. As the boat drifted off screen, my heart began pounding in anticipation. I was finally going to catch Victini...!

Until I saw all of the Team Plasma members on the island. I groaned, knowing I would have to face every single one of these losers before I could get my Victini. Well, it would be worth pummeling them, I guess. Plus I could get some experience with my team from them.

I brushed them off quickly, not even having to use any other Pokémon besides my Dewott. His health did get pretty low in the health range from it, though, so I had I would be prepared for Victini to be throwing hits at him. I had to battle one more Team Plasma member, and then I saw the little Pokémon that would soon be mine.

"It wants to test your strength," the Team Plasma member commented. Well, it was gonna get a battle anyway, dude. Duh. I walked up to Victini, and a battle commenced.

I smiled widely at the screen as Victini's sprite appeared on screen, letting out a chirrup as its battle animation played. It wasn't as weak as I thought it would be, but it was still a pretty low level: fifteen, so I would have to be extra careful. Dewott was too strong, being a level twenty eight, so I sent out my level twenty Herdier.

From the swapping, Victini got the first hit. "Victini used Incinerate!" the game text said, and suddenly my Herdier was engulfed in flames, which did a whopping amount of damage, too my surprise. Luckily it had been holding an Oran Berry, so it healed a bit. I had my Herdier use Take Down, which lowered Victini's health to a dangerous level.

"Soon you'll be all mine!" I said aloud, grinning as I swapped Herdier out for my Dewott. Then, I began to throw Great Balls at it. It took forever, and Dewott's health was lowering, albeit slowly. When I reached my last Great Ball, I clutched the DSi tight as my trainer threw it.

It shook.



Three times...


"Yes!" I cried, almost throwing my DSi across the room in sheer happiness as the victory music played. I smiled happily at the screen, clicking 'Yes' when the option to name came up. I typed: 'T-I-M-O-T-H-Y'. Timothy. Little tiny Tim. After leaving, a sailor, I think, came and talked to my trainer.

He told me that, apparently, a long time ago, some people had tried to steal and capture Victini, but some guy wouldn't allow it, so, for its safety, he felt it would be best to isolate Victini and seal it away. Well, it'll be safe now. It'll be strong traveling with me!

Upon leaving the island, I suddenly heard Timothy's cry play in an agitated manner, and a text box appeared on the bottom of the screen:

"Timothy doesn't like its Pokeball!" it read. That was weird, but maybe it was some special thing that came with the event. Well, whatever it was, Timothy's sprite was suddenly behind my trainer and, with a happy-sounding chirrup, now following me around.

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