Fictional friend

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Have you ever questioned the power of the human mind? A human's imagination is powerful, extremely powerful. It's a well-known fact that we only use ten percent of our brains on a daily basis.

What else is in that ninety percent? Telekinesis? Mind control? The very power to create life itself...? It's something that we'll never seem to know... Or will we?

Meet Mel. She's a small girl, the age of nine. She was your stereotypical outcast, the girl that was into video games while others were starting to talk about boys. The girl who sat alone on the swings while the other played kickball. The girl who aced her tests, while the others struggled.

She struggled with making friends, never finding the words to say, or the things to do. The loneliness was taking its toll... Until she decided to make a friend. An imaginary friend.

"It won't be a person...." She sat in simple contemplation, staring at her blank notebook. "It'll be something I know..." Then glancing at her Nintendo DS, she had an idea. "It can be a Pokemon!" Pokémon was the one connection she had with the outside world. A few kids played it, and the battling and trading was all the social interaction she really got.

She delved through her box, and came down to her choice. It was an Eevee she had just gotten, a male, and she had named it Vince. Closing her eyes, she focused... And suddenly a soft bundle of fluff appeared in her lap. She opened her eyes, and there was Vince. "...Vince...?"

He looked up, and greeted her with a smile. "Hi there, Mel!"

"You can talk...? Cool! We're going to be the best of friends, Vince!" She hugged the Eevee in her lap, who happily licked her cheek.

The next few days, Mel introduced Vince to her life. Her mother chuckled softly, laughing at where her daughter's imagination had taken her. Mel walked Vince all around school, talking to him about her classes. Nobody noticed her talking to empty space, or really cared that she was. Running around the field alone never sparked any interest to her classmates or her teachers. Days turned into months, and months turned into years. It was around middle school when Mel was grasping onto reality, and that Vince didn't exist. Vince had become a Leafeon now, and had been a Leafeon for the last year or so.

"Vince, are you real?" She turned and asked him one day, she was doing her homework, and Vince was curled up beside her.

"Of course I'm real. You can touch me, right?" He looked up at her. There was a hint of displeasure in his eyes, like it was blasphemy that she was thinking such things.

"Pokemon aren't real... They're just in this game." She held up her 3DS, battered from the years of playing.

"Whatever, Mel... I'm going to sleep." He simply hopped off her bed, and curled up in the corner.

She then started to ignore him, treating him as if he wasn't even there. It was hard for her, especially the first month, hearing Vince cry. "What did I do, Mel... Why won't you talk to me...?" She couldn't take him anymore, releasing him in her game, even though he was one of Mel's best raised Pokémon. He never left her side, never stopped trying to talk to her, and always curled up beside her when she lain down in bed.

Throughout middle school, she finally started to make friends, which she could tell Vince didn't like. He would always curse at them, especially when they playfully teased her. Even when they didn't, Vince would hiss and throw a fit. When she got home, she would listen to Vince cry in the corner of the bathroom as she showered. "Why are those skanks better then me...?"

One day especially scared her. She was just starting high school, and her friends were having a sleepover. They were all playing the new Pokémon game, relaxing and talking about boys. "So... What do you think of Kyle?" Mel had casually asked her three friends, Veronica, Whitney, and Monica.

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