The purple aura

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I really didn't think too much about finding a Pokemon blue version in my room while packing for college. I honestly couldn't even remember where I had gotten it from, I just knew that it was mine.

At this point, I know I know, this is sounding a lot like a typical creepypasta, right? Weird Pokemon game, don't know where you found it, etc, etc. That's just what happened. Maybe I should tell you who I am first.

I am your not so typical 18 year old girl. I just finished high school this past June and started on my journey to become a veterinarian in July. I am a huge Pokemon fan ever since I had gotten my first Pokemon game in the 3rd grade. It was Pokemon yellow version and I can still remember the exact moment I borrowed it from an older friend at school.

The excitement of a brand new game to play on my Gameboy color was overwhelming. I never thought it would open the door for me to become one of the biggest Pokemon fans I've ever known.

But back to my story. I just had found this Pokemon blue version in my room and for the life of me I could not remember where I had gotten it. There were so many times I walked around and gone to different yard sales in my home town that I literally could've gotten it anywhere.

I had never owned a copy of Pokemon blue before now. I had always wanted a copy after my yellow battery had died (I didn't know at the time you could change the battery and I lost it shortly after one of the many times I've moved in my life) but had never gotten a copy. Mainly because by the time my yellow had died, my mother had bought me firered to keep me occupied. I know i did own Platinum, Pearl, Soulsilver, Firered and White but not Blue.

Now, I know you guys are expecting me to say that there was a creepy picture on the cartridge or something like that, but there truly wasn't. I knew plenty about what a bootlegged copy looked like, but this version of Blue most certainly wasn't. Just a normal Blue cartridge with the sticker a little worn down.

It had the official Nintendo seal and the little backwards "L" shape at the top of the cartridge at the back. I, however, don't know if someone ever hacked it or anything of the sort. I just knew that finally I had my own version of Pokemon Blue.

I am not gonna lie, I got really nostalgic as I popped the Blue cartridge into my purple Gameboy color and watched the Gameboy logo roll past. Just the sound alone made me happy. Now, when the Gamefreak logo rolled by I literally had started bouncing on my bed. I was so excited.

Soon enough, the screen popped up to the continue screen. There was no previous saves, so I could only assume that the internal save had died. Knowing I couldn't save put a slight damper on my spirits but not much. I was way too happy to even care really.

Professor Oak came up and explained everything as usual and I picked my name and my starter. I have always named my sprite "Ichigo" and my favorite starter was almost always the fire type, so of course I picked a charmander and immediately dubbed it "Flame."

Nothing happened that was weird or out of the ordinary at first. I whizzed my way past the first 3 gyms, the Silph Scope side quest and Pokemon Tower but it was soon after that i started to question things...

I was just exiting Lavender Town and into route 8 when a small exclamation point appeared above my sprites head and the sprite turned around. Nothing really happened except a small text box that read along the lines of "...It feels like someone is watching you..."

OK....odd but whatever. I dismissed it as a glitch or maybe even it was a hacked game. Who knew. I didn't care too much as long as I got to play my game.

Unfortunately, I was only able to take a couple more steps before I was stopped again. I sighed, exasperated, and button mashed through the next couple lines of text.

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