I won't leave you

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Tyrin is a sylveon. He is recognized for his pink fur and his ribbon-like appendages, and was sometimes even made fun of for his flamboyant and rather "girly" appearance. He has a very kind heart and is always willing to make friends with other denizens of the forest and wakes up in the morning with the hope that he would meet somebody new, and on this particular day he would meet someone special indeed.

He walks over to a small pond and starts to lap water out of it when he sees that he was not by himself. He looks up to see a nearby eevee, who was looking down at his own reflection in the water, looking like he was on the verge of tears. Tyrin felt a wave of sympathy wash over him at the sad sight, and instantaneously approaches the eevee to console the poor child.

The eevee was noticeably thin, looking a bit like a scarecrow as if he was not used to being on his own. Indeed, he once had a home life with his once loving trainer long ago. But, as he found out firsthand, what can be given to him can be just as easily taken away. He was left on his own to rot in the woods, and none of it was even his own fault, but the eevee slowly but surely began to at least accept his lonely disposition, being very modest in nature.

The eevee reaches out to touch his reflected image, which further ripples and distorts his image to his own liking. He cannot understand why he was kept away from having an owner, a home...a friend. Somewhere not too far away, he could hear approaching footsteps but he naturally ignored them as if he did not notice. After all, why would anyone want to see him? That was when he suddenly sees another Pokemon casted in the reflection directly behind him with a gentle, sympathetic voice to follow, "Hello little one, what's your name?"

The eevee turned around quickly to reply, but casted his head down. "L-Lonliness..."

The sylveon gives a confused frown at the very abnormal name, "Lonliness?" He quickly recovers and offers another warm, fresh smile. "That's a nice name! What are you doing in a big forest like this, there are a lot of bigger, hungrier Pokémon around here who would get you in a heartbeat..." He looks over the eevee's fur closely, seeing the tear-stained pelt around his eyes and the matted, unkempt fur everywhere else. "Oh your poor thing...where are your parents?" He asks sweetly, but behind his grin he was secretly dreading the answer.

"Well," the eevee who introduced himself as Lonliness began, lIf they would like to dine on my worthless flesh, they most certainly can." He lets out a miserable sigh, "I've been on my own for the past few years, neglected by my own trainer just to be thrown away like a broken toy." Warm tears started to fall from the eevee's cheeks.

Tyrin was in utter shock at the strong words, his mouth opening agape with his own tears now forming around his eyes. He reached out to the eevee with a ribbon tendril, rubbing his back. "O-oh my Arceus! child, how could you think of yourself like that? Everyone is special and has their own place in this world, no one is more useless than the other." The eeveelution lies down on his stomach to get to eye-level with the smaller Pokémon, with tears still in his eyes, but with an honest, small smile returning to his cheeks. "You are special Lonliness, no one else call tell you differently."

The eevee's tears finally made their way to the ground, which stains the grass in a dark red color. As it turns out, the poor creature was cursed, but tries to deny it. He looks at the other Pokémon and shakes his head. "But I don't have a place, I serve no purpose. It is a sin for me to be alive. I am special for all the wrong reasons..." At this point, Tyrin couldn't take it anymore and takes the pitiable creature into a hug, who returns the embrace weeping. Tyrin was ignoring the stained grass and whimpering openly into his words. "Please don't say that, Lonely. You are not a sin, you are a beautiful creature that deserves as much love as everyone else, I won't let you think you are hated by everyone else. I don't hate you," he looks into the child's eyes, "that counts, right?" Tyrin closes his eyes again and puts his forehead onto Lonley's and whispers, "Please, accept my words."

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