The forgotton ones

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What do you do...

When you are forgotten?


I'm just another Pokémon freak. I'm 16 and can name every Pokémon up to the third generation. I used to play it almost daily until I was hit with depression. At this point my whole life was in chaos, my school grades were extremely low, I was struggling to get out of the house, even just to hang out with friends, and my job was at risk. I spent most of my time playing video games or just sitting, daydreaming. It was my method of escaping from reality. I rarely ever did homework, or studied for tests, and would rarely ever get good night's sleep. I had nightmares, and lots of them. I would wake up several times throughout the night, sometimes crying. I would usually end up crying myself back to sleep. One night, after coming home from work, I found that I just couldn't sleep. What I did not know was my depression would only get worse.

I remember that night. It wasn't unusual, there weren't any thunderstorms, there was no power outage, nothing. Just another dark, scary night. I hadn't thought much of it, as a matter of fact I didn't think of that night at all. That night in particular my internet was down. My dad had taken our modem in for repairs, since it hadn't been working for a couple days. I was stripped off the computer, since there wasn't much I could do without internet, and my iPod was charging. Bored out of my mind, and tired from watching TV all day, I decided to pick up my old DS. There wasn't a game in it at the time, more than likely my brother had taken it out to play it for himself, so I'd have to find a game to play. I opened up my wardrobe and scrambled around through all the old junk inside of it. Finally reaching the back, I pulled out the small bag where I usually kept my games. I was looking forward to some good memories; it had been a year or so before I last played any of my DS games. Pulling out all the games, my eye was caught by my Pokémon game collection. Pokémon Yellow, Pokémon Gold, Pokémon Diamond, Pokémon Black, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness, all in the same condition they were left in. I was a little upset that I had lost my Pokémon ruby, Pokémon sapphire and Pokémon Pinball, I had lost them several years ago and I've wanted to play them ever since. Seeing as I still haven't beaten Pokémon black, I decided to resume my journey. I popped the game into my DS, turned it on and selected Pokémon black from the main screen.

The game started up just as I remembered. The intro with N being crowned, all the random stuff about the adventure to come, you know the main screen intro. I saw my save file, just as I had left it, victory road on my way to the elite four. With my extremely over leveled Zoroark, I blew past all of the elite four. Having a level 80 with the rest (except my Serperior and Reshiram) being low 40s made things a little difficult at some points, however. When I finally reached the champions chamber, I awaited N's challenge. But things got a little weird.

N: Your Pokémon...

They love you.

But they missed you.

What? They missed me? I didn't think the game kept track of time spent NOT playing Pokémon! But I continued on anyways, and boy do I regret that. The battle began as usual, however N didn't send out any Pokémon, and I didn't get any options, like when the foe appears to say a line or two in a gym or against your rivals. There was a long pause, and no animations played. I thought the game froze for a second, but then N looked up.

N: They loved you. They cared about you. You cared about them. How could you betray them like this?

The game continued on, saying Blaze has defeated N (Blaze is my player's name) and I got my winnings. But nothing happened after that, and instead Alder approached my character and began taking.

Alder: I... I thought you cared more. I thought you would be trustworthy, but you just... left them!

By this point I was a little freaked out, since I knew this was not part of the storyline. I knew it couldn't have been a hacked game; I bought it myself, and still had the receipt! It was brand new; I bought it only a day or so after the release! But I continued playing; I wanted to know what they were talking about.

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