Why my enemy?

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This was when I first played Pokemon Ruby. I was in love with only one pokemon. That pokemon was Zangoose. They amazed me when I was watching an episode. On my birthday, my grandpa bought me the game. My eyes sparkled when I first saw it. I was so happy and felt like I had butterflies in my tummy.

I rushed to my room, looking into boxes and tossing things out of them to find my gameboy. I finally found my pink gameboy SP, I couldn't find my regular gameboy so I was stuck with the SP. I popped the game in and started it up. I was giggling and my eyes kept on sparkling! I got past the intro and to the start of the game. Choosing a starter pokemon was difficult because I loved them all! So I chose Treeko since I loved pokemons that looked like reptiles. I named him Leafy. I always nickname every pokemon I get.

I finally got my character to Fallarbor Town. My pokemon team was Leafy (Grovyle), Ziggy (Linoone), Alumi (Skarmony), and Zero (Dustox). I went straight towards Route 114; I ran around in a patch of grass when suddenly, I encountered a pokemon. I kept thinking it was another Nuzleaf. Boy was I wrong. I encountered a Zangoose! I squealed happily.

Jumping up and down but it wasn't over yet; I had to catch it. I weakened it a bit with Leafy and used a couple of great balls. When I finally caught it, I was happy and started jumping again. I was so proud of myself! The game asked me if I wanted to nickname it. I selected "yes" and named it Berry. I thought it was such a nice name.

I trained Berry along with my other pokemon. Berry was in the front of my party, and I kept her there. We had so much fun together that I beat the game with her, and I was proud of her and my other pokemon.

Couple of days later, I got pokemon Sapphire. I was hoping to get a Zangoose in this game, but I this time found a male Zangoose. By the time I finally got to Route 114, I was trying to find that Zangoose; instead, something else appeared that made my eyes sparkle. It was a Seviper. I never saw one before. I thought it was beautiful. I sent out Rain, who was my Swampert since I started out with a mudkip this time. I took down some of its hp and threw an ultra ball this time. I finally caught it, and I was so happy! Berry was going to have a friend! I named my Seviper "Fang". I was so happy!

I finally got to use my brother's gameboy to send Berry over to Sapphire. I was so happy that I had both awesome pokemons in my game! I started to put Fang in the front of my party more. I finally got to the elite four.

"Yes!" I yelled happily!

I made this whole way with Fang. I was about to enter until...I was stopped by a text on the bottom.

"Why don't you use me anymore?"

I was confused. What was that suppose to mean? I shrugged it off and tried to enter the building again. I felt as if...I was stopped by a wall. I couldn't move. "What is going on?" I thought. Another text appeared: "Please use me instead of Fang; you love me more right?" I was still lost.

It wasn't until I realize that Berry was talking to me. I had the same amount of love for every pokemon I had. Love is infinite, right? I didn't want to switch out my pokemon though...since Berry already defeated the elite four. It was Fang's turn now.

I whispered, "I'm sorry Berry; it's Fang's turn."

The next text was a bit more scary.

"Don't you love me!? Do you love my enemy more!? What does he have that I don't!?"

Enemy? I thought. Fang did nothing to her! Seconds went by and I got a new text.

"Do you love him more?" It was a yes/no question.

I clicked "no". All I got was "..." I began getting tired. I saved my game, turned it off, and went to bed right away.

The next day was the day that I could never forget. I started up my game after a blueberry muffin I ate. Something wasn't right... The intro started, my character was riding her bike like always, but...the sky was pitch black and the grass was as red as blood. Next to my character was a Zangoose following her. I clicked the B button to turn off the intro, and I was put into the game.

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