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I love Pokémon. Always have, always will. From the start I collected the plushies, the cards, the figures and once the games came out, I was ecstatic. Yellow, Blue, Red, Gold, Silver, Fire Red, Leaf Green, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, you name, I've played it.

Diamond and Pearl were no exception; once the games came out I raced to Chips, money in hand ready to buy the game.

Unfortunately, my excitement was immediately extinguished when an apologetic cashier told me they were already sold out. WHY!? She explained that there had been a massive rush to get the game and they wouldn't be back in stock until next week.

I was literally tearing the hair out of my roots in rage; I ALWAYS purchased games as SOON as they came out! Storming home, I began to think of ways I could get the game without waiting until next week. I'm not a very patient person you see. It was then I thought of James.

James is a good friend of mine and a massive computer/game geek. Not that that's a problem or anything, I could really use a nerdy friend right now. So, I phoned him and asked him about Pokémon Diamond/Pearl, he told me that there's no way he could get me the game unless he downloaded a ROM for me.

That sounded great, I'm a bit addicted to my laptop so having a ROM of my much needed Pokémon game would be perfect! I invited James over and watched him work his magic and eventually, I had a Pokémon Diamond ROM sitting in my laptop just waiting to be used. I thanked James and sat with my laptop on my knee.

I slowly became obsessed with Pokémon Diamond, I named my character 'Dawn' and my rival 'Barry' (I have the most annoying habit of naming the game characters after the anime characters) and within a week, had earned myself 8 Badges and in a matter of days after had owned the Elite Four and got the National Pokédex. My last goal was to capture every single Pokémon in the Pokédex.

Being a hardcore Pokémon fan, I would never cheat to receive Pokémon. Even the event ones, so with day after day of strenuous work, hour after hour of migrating and a hell of a lot of persuading with friends; my Pokédex was near to completing. However, two Pokémon restrained me from my goal...Spoink and Grumpig.

How did I get Spoink again? I whipped out my Diamond & Pearl Guide and discovered that Spoink was a Swarm Pokémon. Of course! Saving at Lucas' house, I switched off my DS and adjusted the time over and over so the Swarm Pokémon kept changing.

Eventually, his younger sister said, 'Route 214! There's a whole bunch of SPOINK there!' And so I set off to Route 214, it didn't take much time to nab myself a Level 22 Male Spoink. Now I simply had to raise it 10 levels and viola! I have myself a complete Pokédex!

I decided to train my Spoink outside Fuego Ironworks. There were some decent levelled Pokémon there and I had been meaning to go there for some Fire Stones. I worked my way through Floatzels, Gastrodons, Shellos and Wingulls and then, I came across a Luxio. Level 29, a formidable opponent for my now Level 27 Spoink. The battle commenced.

'A wild LUXIO appeared!'

'Dawn sent out SPOINK!'

'SPOINK used Zen Headbutt!'

'LUXIO used Thunder Wave!'

Darn it. I used a Paralyze Heal.

'LUXIO used Thunder Wave!'

Grr. I used yet another.

'LUXIO used Thunder Wave!'

Persistent, aren't we?

'LUXIO used Thunder Wave!'

What!? Don't you have any other moves!

'LUXIO used Thunder Wave!'

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