Whole again

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I've always been a little behind with playing the Pokémon games. I just couldn't afford some of them until much later, let alone, wouldn't be able to play them unless I had the right system anyway.

It's wasn't until the release of Black and White that I was able to get my very own Nintendo DS. A friend had been lending me hers when I had purchased Platinum and SoulSilver to play several months back, so needless to say I was pretty excited to finally have the chance to play through future games at my own pace, without needing to stop at strange intervals.

To celebrate, I figured I could spoil myself a little more and pick up a copy of Pokémon Black. I had been watching my friend play Pokémon White for the past few weeks now and had been itching to start my own Unova adventure. I stopped by a local Gamestop to see if they had any used versions of the game. I knew it was a bit of a long shot since Black and White had been released earlier in the month and probably wouldn't be on the used shelves yet, but I remained hopeful. Used games tend to be a tad bit cheaper and I could really do with saving a couple extra bucks.

Thankfully, luck seemed to be on my side that day as I spied a lone copy of Pokemon Black in the used section and excitedly scooped it up. I left the store acting like a giddy grade schooler ( though slightly disappointed due to the fact that I couldn't afford the additional warranty with the game) and rushed on home to start playing.

I spent the next couple of weeks playing Pokémon Black, relying on website walkthroughs to figure out where I should go and what Pokémon I could catch in each area. I had developed a pretty strong team by the end of the main story arc consisting of Serperior, Zebstrika, Simipour, Chandelure, Audino and Reshiram. I loved the legendary dragons in this game, so immediately after I finished my final battle with N and such, I promptly got myself a Zekrom through the GTS and a Japanese one at that to boot!

However, there was one Pokemon I wanted the most in this game: Kyurem. I had fallen in love with Kyurem since I first saw its design on Bulbapedia about a year back. It had made me a little sad that I couldn't get him until I was done the main storyline. Though, after reading that you encounter him at level 75, the wait was probably well worth it especially with the randomly high-levelled trainers who appear after the main story arc.

After exploring a few other features that unlocked after beating the main game, I took my team and went hunting for Kyurem. After arriving in the village which spoke about a "monster" that lives in the Giant Chasm, it took me a little while to figure out where to go in order to reach Kyurem's lair. Finally, I came across the boulder I needed to move to get into the area and excitedly ventured into the Chasm, fainting a couple of opponents with my Reshiram and catching a much-needed Ditto along the way.

It wasn't long before I reached the point where you hear Kyurem cry and the area turns into a snow-filled wasteland. I got a little lost while trying to find the cave that would lead me to the Pokémon, but I eventually found it and hurriedly made my way inside.

This is when things started to get a little weird.

According to what I read online, I should have emerged into a cavern where Kyurem would be waiting for me to interact with it at the end. Instead, I ended up inside some sort of of a tunnel which made a sharp turn to the left. Perplexed, I figured that perhaps the information I had read for encountering Kyurem was incorrect, or was at least partially relayed by the websites, so I decided to follow the tunnel anyway. I was surprised to find that no wild Pokemon appeared as I continued into the area, but gathered that was just a part of the game play at this point.

After the sharp left turn, the tunnel straightened out and writings on the wall (much like what you would see in the underwater ruins, only on a brown background) began to appear every twenty paces or so. After interacting with one of them, I noticed that these writings were readable and were telling the story of Kyurem in dialogue boxes. Backtracking, I learned that this story was told by one of the villagers who was kidnapped by Kyurem years ago, though the tale was a little different from what I had heard in the village earlier.

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