Chapter: Eugeo

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Weekend comes; it was one of the favorite days for the group of Kirito, due to the fact that they can dive in ALO all day. All of them gathered in 40th floor to conquer some quest and defeat the Boss. Asuna remain absent minded state, consequent of previous night announcement from her brother. She wasn't really in her focus until the time they've managed to finish and clear the floor.

"Asuna! That's dangerous!" Lizbeth lecturing Asuna, by her previous action that almost put her in danger, gladly Kirito attain to help her while she's just standing there without caution.

"Sorry." Asuna answered with discourage expression.

"Don't worry Mama; I will assist you next time." Yui said in her usual cheerful attitude.

"Mou! Asuna are you sure you're fine?" Leafa said doubted worried about her.

"Asu-" Kirito not yet finish blurting her name, when a message appeared in Asuna's parameters, quickly abstain Kirito's façade.

-Asuna, let's meet. I found out that Niahm will be arrived in few hours.

Asuna's eyes widen while reading the message.

"I'm sorry, I must go now." Asuna said with hastiness in her tone, giving confusion through her friends.

"B-but, Mama." Yui wanted to detain her mother to go, sadness revealed in her tone.

"I'll come back later, Yui."

No more words given, Asuna rapidly logging out from the game. All of them confuse and surprise from what Asuna action, without providing explanation for the reason. Looking back each other from what happened, simultaneously observe Kirito's reaction.

"Why Mama suddenly leave us, Papa?" Yui seated in her father's shoulder with sad proclamation.

"Don't be sad Yui, Mama will come back later." Kirito caress Yui's head gently using his finger.

"Is she's fine, Kirito?? She acts to weird since yesterday." Klien said.

"I don't know either." Kirito's confusion and worries added gloominess in the mood.

"Ok! It's settled. I'll treat you with some sweet in Agil place, as I receive some bonus from my part-time job." Sinon said to break the unhappy mood.

"I like that" Silica said as her eyes looks glistering of the idea.

"Let's go, logging out together, and meet up at Agil place later." Leafa said with excitement.

Yui couldn't cope up her sadness at that moment. Kirito look at her with sympathy, knowing the emotions she felt, akin himself having the same sentient as her.

"Yui, you can use the VR probe and be with us." Kirito said as he try his best to comfort his daughter.

"Really Papa?." Yui respond receiving a nod from her father. "Do you think Mama will come too, Papa??" She added.

"I'll message her later, so she can catch up with us." Kirito answered with smile.

The group decides to log out, however uneasiness and worries still remains in their essence due to Asuna's unexpected action a while ago. It was so unlike her, gesturing that kind of behavior.

After Kirito logging out, he opened his phone, receives some messages from a certain blonde artificial humanoid, Alice. She notified him that she was near at his place with Koujirou Rinko, to attend necessary meetings with Higa and Kikouka. She wished to meet up with him since it seems like years that they've never seen each other. Kirito draw a smile in his lips, realizing how his friend remember him, despite both busy schedule. Kirito immediately respond, grand her wish to meet up with him in Agil's place. He's sure that his friends as well be glad to see her, since they've met her before in some occurrences with Asuna.

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