Chapter 9: Mine

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Asuna rapidly run from the place, doesn't care anymore if her mother gets mad from what she did. For her ably wanted to leave the place. Loath for what just happened, blaming herself for being weak and powerless, memories of previous promises to Kirito occur in her senses. She felt numb while continuously running so fast farther from that miserable place, wanted to escape this distasteful situation. Sobbing loudly, didn't care if people witness her unpleasant state.

Asking the God above why she had this kind of trials, why she had to face this unfair life? Why !! Why!!?. If she's strong she won't let this be done into her.

"Kirito kun! Kirito kun!!" She silently uttered his name, wishing his appearance in instant but it's impossible.

After she running for almost 60 minutes wearing her geta, putting her foot into unbearable torture but felt nothing other than the pain inside of heart piercing deeply into her soul. Tears resemble the drops of rain, slowly touching her fair skin. Unaware where her feet's lead her as long as she make herself far from those people who started to push her into the limit of causing to lose her sanity. Later on the raindrops becomes a heavy rain, continuously pouring from the sky. Asuna look up, as her body started to soak from it, but still didn't care.

Meanwhile later at the Kirigaya resident, simultaneously same with the time the announcement happened at the Yuuki villa. Kirito left alone in their house, since Suguha needed to attend kendo training in Osaka, staying there for almost a week, while both of their parents necessarily needed attend some important matter in Hokkaido, causing Kirito left behind in the same day of their departures. He woke up that evening from his afternoon long nap, felt the silent of house due to absence presence of his family. It wasn't that good to feel that way. His throat was so dry seems that he run so far, thirsty as if he didn't take a gulp of water in a year. Kirito opened the fridge; found the empty pitch of water same as the bottles, but suddenly found the transparent bottled container with translucent content, assuming that her mother left him with some drink. Kirito gulp it in instant without hesitant, he almost finish it when he realize the bitter taste of it, causing him to almost vomit. It tastes like water with a burning, unpleasant, mildly bitter flavor.

"What it is!" Kirito said with a sudden that he almost finish the bottle.

Remember before that his mother remind him to past through the groceries to catch some important and necessary thing, including mineral waters and foods, due for them unable to perform it since they've didn't have enough time. Flashing back into his memories, Suguha's reminder before she depart from their home.

"Oniichan, don't you dare to drink the content of transparent bottled inside the fridge, it was a Yamazaki single malt Japanese whisky, in other word its alcoholic beverage. I put it into that bottle so father won't notice it, avoiding getting drunk before their travel at the Hokkaido." Suguha stated to her brother that time. Even though their father rarely get drunk, those whisky are his favorite, cannot contain to at least take a one shot. That's the reason Suguha hide it from their father with approval of their mother.

"Oh no! What did I do? Tsk!." Kirito irritated from what he accidentally done. He's not into it kind of person especially when it comes to alcoholic liquors. Kirito tried to walks into his room but the spirit of alcohol rapidly affects him, unable to do it. His surrounding started to shake and his vision blurred. Since he was near the sink, quickly quencher the top water hoping to release those dizziness that slowly consuming him, taking his time to rest a little bit before proceeding into his room and sleep, counting that this weird sensation he currently had will disappeared tomorrow as he woke up. Kirito can't explain what he feels, as his face showing a dark shade of red, and his body felt so hot.

After a minute of resting his phone rang, appearing Shino's number. Actually Kirito didn't want to talk to anyone right now, since his not really in good mood due to the effects of alcohol in his senses. He ignored it for almost 30 minutes with continuously ringing and popping of messages, doubting that it could be important matter, he answered it with feverish voice.

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