Chapter 15: Yui

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Kirito P.O.V

Nervousness lurking in my senses, simultaneously stepping back in fort in my place, patiently waiting for a certain brown haired investigator to come out from the room.

"Kirigaya sans, Sorry for keeping you wait." Kikouka appeared in front of me.

"How is she?" I ask with dread in my facade, hoping that things go well according to the plan.

In my surprise, wide eyes welcomed me with curiosity in her features.

"Pa-Papa?" My lovely beautiful daughter appeared in her usual white dress, I can't even respond in her call, still unbelief from what I see right now.

"Former Mental Health - Counseling Program Artificial Intelligent, code: Yui-MHCP001 has been successfully turned to be one of the rarest humanoid in human history. Her memories from the cardinal system was currently uploading in her data base, it will take a few more days to completely transfer. Right now, she only had few memories from the SAO and Alfheim, to be specific; she only remembered you and Asuna as her parents and nothing else." The investigator explained with confidence.

"We're glad that we've made it possible, Congratulations, Kirigaya san." Man wearing glasses, emerge beside Yui.

"It's a big success for both of us. We're glad that Mr. Hammelton supports us to win this project." Kikouka added with proud.

"Here is your Papa now, Yui-chan." Professor Koujiro Rinko place her palms into my daughter's shoulder, signing her to walks towards me, but I can sense her hesitant maybe because I remained speechless.

"Papa?" Yui said with doubt, trying her best to read my expression.

"It's me, your Papa, Yui-chan." I opened my arms waiting for her to embrace me. I saw the wide grin of happiness in her features as she rapidly run towards me, giving me the warmest embrace that I wanted.

"Papa!" She joyfully embraces me. Even though I'm aware that her body now was made in silicon, I can still feel her warm embrace into the deepest part of my being, nothing can compare the happiness that I been through right now, how I wish that Asuna were here with us to celebrate this another treasured memories that we've surely keep in our hearts forever.

"Welcome to this wonderful word, Yui." I know that my words reach her heart, however she's genuinely an Artificial Intelligent, she had the same emotions and sense just like a real human. I'm glad and grateful that these moments occur into us. I still considerate this world as a wonderful place, behind those struggles and misfortune befall between me and Asuna, I still view this life as valuable gift that I had, as long as Asuna and Yui, together with our friends are with me, I perceive this as a beautiful life.

"I'm home Papa." Yui draw as smile in her cute face.

"Ammm, Kirigaya san. I'll have some reminder how to take care of Yui, especially now that she can't completely remember every data of her previous life in SAO and Alfheim. Added the fact that she's in her eight years old appearance, so I'm hoping that you could take good care of her." Kikouka interrupt with some remainders.

"Yes, Yes, Kikouka san." I stand in front of Kikouka, Higa, and professor Kojirou. "Thank you so much for all of your efforts towards this project." I humbly bow down as a sign of my gratitude.

"It's our pleasure to perform such magnificent project, Kirigaya san." Higa answered quickly.

In my surprise, I saw my daughter mirrored my action.

"Thank you very much for your hardworking." I'm proud to saw my daughter in such polite manner. Simultaneously professor Koujiro embrace Yui with hint of tears in her eyes.

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