Chapter 21: Finally

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Chapter 21: Finally

It was a lovely and beautiful morning but it can't be felt inside Yuuki's residence, it was still intense and languorous. Souzou and Kouichirou remain depress from the information they've learned in that previous meeting, yet anger lingered in their senses. Cycle of daily lives didn't get affected but their inner thoughts are still uneasy. Souzou becomes more anxious about Asuna, making him drunk every night and when the alcohol strike his senses, he suddenly cried for his daughter's name, end up Kouichirou console him. The father and son started to avoid Kyouko as they trying their best to invoke the black haired next inline heir of Hommelton family, Kazuto Kirigaya to give them permission to see Asuna.

Hoping that the mistreat black haired change his mind to file the case towards the mother of his beloved woman, it's already one week when he announce the proposition, but still nothing or no one came to formally talk to them. Assuming that maybe Kirito and Asuna forgives them, but when they recalling the intense and fierce looking in the black haired black orbs it are kind of impossible. The whole place was so gloomy and desolated. A bell from door wake up their senses with curiosity.

Head of the family Souzou seated at the sofa while Kouichirou beside him, and Kyouko in the opposite side of it. Sasada, the caretaker of the house open it up for them. Comprehending that maybe they have a visitor in this time but it doesn't even bother them.

"Sasada san? Who comes to visit us?" Kouichirou stood up from his place, preparing himself to welcome the possible visitor.

Before the eldest son of Yuuki reach his destination, he suddenly dumbfound from what he saw.... It was... Asuna, his younger sister who receive mistreat from her very own mother. Lovable sister he promised to protect but he failed, as he made her felt abandoned by them.

"Asuna?" Kouichirou blurted with surprise wide eyes. When Souzou heard it, he rapidly stood up into his place and immediately looks at Asuna. Behind the chestnut haired, black orbs observe it's surrounding with cautions.

"Hello there, Onii chan." Genuine smiles escape from Asuna's lips.

Kouichirou quickly embrace his sister with drops of tears in his eye.

"I'm sorry Asuna. Forgive me for abandoned you in that situation, forgive me Asuna." Kouichirou tried to tighten his embrace but suddenly break it when he notice Asuna bulgy belly.

"It's fine Onii chan, it's no one's fault, so please stop asking forgiveness." Asuna answered with same expression.

While Suozou slowly walk towards Asuna place, unbelief from what he saw.

"Asuna, my one and only daughter, Asuna." Tears flowing from his eyes gently hold her hands simultaneously look at her from head to toe, and her bulgy belly didn't even escape his notice. The chestnut haired embraces her father, since he looks so surprise from Asuna's condition.

"I miss you so much father." Asuna said while embracing her father.

"Forgive me Asuna." Souzou said with pain in his chest, as he feel that he failed as a father who must protect his daughter.

"It's fine now father, you don't have to blame yourself anymore, I don't have any grudge or hatred towards you and Onii chan, you're a victim as well so you don't have to say such words. I understand you." Asuna stated with indication of sob in her tone.

Not in the distance Kyouko standing up in her place, can't even stare the direction where her family was. Guilt started to build up her senses, wanted to disappear from where she is. Chestnut haired looks at the direction where her mother stands. She broke the embrace towards her father, tried to take a step into her mother but Kirito immediately hold her arm.

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