Chapter 19: Approach

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Niahm and his family patiently waited for the certain commoner they've knew, Kirigaya Kazuto. Grayish hair with light red shade orbs, wearing white formal suite, age seems around 50 years old. Facial expression full of intense and sturdy and that man name Cavin Pirge, Niahm's father. Beside him was a very familiar person towards Kirito's retention, Niahm's mother Sorah Pirge.

"Is this matter's really important, Nia? You know that time is important for me and your father. He even cancels his business meetings and appointment just to travel her and attend this unknown gathering, beside we don't have any idea who'll we meet up with." Sorah irritated complained.

"Sorah, please stay quiet would you. Beside it wasn't just Nia that convince me to have a talk to this person, even Kouichirou,  its unusual from that prideful young man to ask me about something, so it's kind of interesting." Cavin stated while checking his mobile phone. Hearing the older Yuuki's name made Sorah surprise, she pretty sure that this matters had something towards Niahm's fiancé, Asuna Yuuki.

Sorah suddenly becomes anxious and dread, sweat started to build up in her forehead. The incident towards Asuna disappearance is still hunt her, Kyouko and her started their search to find the youngest Yuuki. Kouichiroh and his father Souzou doesn't have any idea about Asuna's situation even her disappearance. Kyouko manage to cover that incident while their action and searching still continue. If Souzou, Kouichirou, Cavin and Niahm find outs what happened to Asuna both she and Kyouko are pretty sure to face devastation. They must found her as soon as possible, but still facing a lot of hindrance.

"Mom, can you talk aunt Kyouko? I want to see Asuna." Niahm suddenly ask; act innocent about the real situation of Asuna. Sorah kind surprise when she heard Niahm's request.

"I-I'll try, Nia." Sorah avoid Niahm's stare. The brunette aware from the occurrences that happened the night when Asuna disappeared from the hospital where Kyouko sent Asuna. Some of Kyouko's personnel revealed to her that they saw Niahm in the site that night. In other word Niahm have an idea, no... he knew everything that happened, maybe even Asuna's currently whereabouts, however she doesn't what to take action or either make a first step, avoiding to get her name involve in that complicated incident, if Niahm found out that she knew what Kyouko's previous scheme she's pretty sure to receive her precious son's hatred. Realizing it makes her heart in ache, unable to bear those feelings. Right now she must act innocent about the issue and blame it all to Kyouko since it was her doing and plan after all, it can be describe as betrayal towards her friend but Niahm are much more important other than anything else.

The flax haired fix his eyes towards his mother, wanted to read the deepest part of her mind, still hoping to her mother innocence from the matter. Thinking that her mother was part of the abominable maneuver makes his blood boil in anger even it was his mother.

"Stop staring at me like that, Nia." Sorah tried her best act innocent. The flax browned haired rapidly avoid his gaze.

A knock gather their attention towards the person behind the door.

"Come in." Cavin immediately respond.

Kyouko and Souzou emerge in the room wearing their usual façade.

"Cavin, it's nice to see you again." Souzou greeted his longtime friend.

"It's nice to see you too, Souzou. You look so well. I'm glad that you accept my invitation." Cavin responds.

"Of course, since you told me that it was a very important matter, I should accept it." Souzou answered without any idea about it.

Kyouko and Sorah reaction are mutual, seeing one another in that place put both of them uneasy. They've decide to act natural like there is nothing wrong, perceiving the intense glare from Niahm.

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