Chapter 20: Love

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Chapter 20: Love

Kirito cannot stop himself to over think from the previous occurrences that happened. Anger still lingered in his senses, frowning while on the trip back to the hospital. The prosecutor beside him is still busy about the documents that he must needed to file as soon as possible.

"Kirigaya san, if you're planning to see Asuna san right now, you've must at least remove that resentment expression in your face." Laida comments while still doing her stuff.

"Yeah! I know." Kirito responds coldly.

The black haired together with the prosecutor arrive at the hospital. Kirito stayed in hospital for almost a week. He proceeds first into his private room to fix himself and mood as well. Kind of surprises when he catches his room opened and someone inside; just assuming that it was Yui, since she's allowed to go there. Stepping himself inside.

"Yui, what are doing here? You're supposed to be with your Mama, right now." Two black orbs widen when he saw Asuna standing in front of his table, reading some documents, scattered.

"Kirito kun? What's the meaning of this?" Asuna remained his sight towards the paper in her hands without a single blink, trembling, doesn't even take a glace towards the black haired.

"A-Asuna, I-it was." Kirito mumbled, processing for the right words to use.

Suddenly Yui appeared behind with her usual cheerful presence.

"Mou! Mama it's so hard to find y—" The Artificial Intelligent Humanoid cut up her words when she saw her mother's expression same as her father's gesture. "You're here Papa." Voice turns low with sudden surprise.

"What you're doing with your Mama, Yui?" Kirito's voice was so cold. Making Yui's spine in chill, it was the very first time were she heard him in that kind of tone.

"W-We're playing tags, Papa." Lower tone voice while rumpling her dress just to restrain herself from explainable fear.

Laida arrive with documents in her hands, confuse from the sudden heaviness presence of place.

"Kirigaya san, I'll send you later the documents that you needed to study and --." Laida's words cut off when Kirito started to spoke up again.

"Laida san, would you mind to take Yui with you out of this place?" Kirito remained in his cold voice, without even tried to turn back to face the prosecutor neither his daughter, as it's certainly understand by her.

"Yui chan, let's go." Laida hold the young A.I. into her hand.

"Papa? Mama?" Yui in the act of crying looks at her parents.

"We'll see you later, Yui." Asuna manage to reveal a fake smile, but tears peeping in the side of her eyes, didn't escape from Yui's observation.

Laida and Yui leave the place, closing the door behind.

The black haired slowly walks towards Asuna.

"Asuna." Kirito patiently waited for her to speak up her thoughts.

"You're planning to file a case against my mother?" Asuna stated the content of documents in her hands. "Why you didn't tell me this? Why you decide on your own? Why you didn't even ask me about my thoughts regarding to this matter?" The chestnut haired bombard a lot of questions towards Kirito, remained calm in voice but trembling in hands.

"It's not the right time to tell it. You're still under recovery state and it's bad for you and our child if you got stress." Kirito explained, gently clutching Asuna's hands.

"But I have a rights to know it, there are my family Kirito kun. If you had something on your mind regarding to them, then I should know it!" Tears flowing out of Asuna's eyes, as the black haired cannot bear to see it, but anger from the previous incident haunts him.

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