Chapter 6: Confession

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Summer breeze can be felt and the scent of beautiful flowers can be sense at backyard of school wherein Asuna, Kirito and the other survivor of SAO attending. It can be consider as ordinary day for all of them and no one of the girls who confronted by Niahm open that topic, especially into Asuna and Kirito, realizing that it was a sensitive matter for them.

"Rika san, do you think that snobbish guy told Asuna what he found out that day from us?" Keiko ask while both of them peacefully eating their lunch. A vein pops up into Rika's head.

"Don't mention that man, Kieko it's boiling my blood." Rika said angrily.

"I didn't mention his name, I'm asking you." Keiko stated with boredom, consuming her sandwich.

"He doesn't have any interest in us that's why the chance of ignoring that event is high. Even he's concern to Asuna, I can say his not kind of man who discredit us to win her sympathy and trust, it will just come out that he's the bad one for doing that, since Asuna believe in us."

Rika said with still boredom expression.

Early morning at the Yuuki residence, Kyouko and Shouzou were so busy for the arrival of Niahm. Three days ago when Niahm visit the household making all of them glad, especially Asuna's mother Kyouko. Since both of Niahm and Asuna young, she wanted them to perform fix marriage into them and later on followed with acceptance of Niahm's parents and the next event becomes history.

"Asuna, you don't have to go in school today, I want you to accompany Niahm whole day. There's a lot of place here that you could visit and make sure that he enjoy himself." Kyouko said with a huge smile indication of happiness.

"But mother I have so many things needed to be done today." Asuna's reasoning.

"No more arguments Asuna, just do what I said." Kyouko insisting.

Asuna lowered her head, signing losing the conversation over her mother. It doesn't mean that she didn't want to accompany Niahm, but this day was also important to her because it was the day that both of her and Kirito settled a date. She grabs her phone from her pocket, messaging Kirito about the canceled plan. After almost a minute Niahm arrive with happiness and his eyes.

Asuna and Niahm go to the amusement park, enjoying themselves but it was obviously that Asuna was just pretending to be happy. It didn't escape from Niahm observation.

Asuna P.O.V

I don't want to disappoint my mother from my action but this situation hurting me so much. I was supposed to be with Kirito and not Nia, since were unable to make time for each other due to busy schedule, reviewing from the upcoming exams. We've focus too much in that matter that we won't even make time for our daughter Yui, but I'm glad that she understands our situation. What a considerate child she is.

As I imagine Kirito's reaction from receiving my previous message make me sad, and I know that he's disappointed from it. Suddenly asking myself, when I am able to defy my mother's demand? When is the time that I will be able to convince her that I don't want to marry someone else but only Kirito, NO I mean Kirigaya Kazuto. Spending time with Niahm wasn't that bad since he's my childhood friend but it's a wrong timing for all of us. I didn't tell Kirito the reason why I cancel our plan, because it's really so unfair. I wanted to cry, conscience started to build up in my heart from the thought of cheating him.

"But I'm not!" Justifying myself won't make me feel better.

That moment I want to leave Niahm and meet up with Kirito to explain everything into him, if someone saw me with other guy, I'm clearly cheating in this view of perception. At least I must tell him that it was my mother's idea to accompany him this day, and that's the truth.

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