Chapter 16: Embrace

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Asuna P.O.V

I found myself in the middle of beautiful landscape; flower blooming in my surrounding, scent of fresh air touch my skin, humming of birds made me relax and at peace. My foot tickles from the grass, escaping a warm smile in my lips.

"Where I' am?" Asking myself when I couldn't see anyone in my surrounding.


Cheerful sound of voice gaining my attention, simultaneously search for the owner of it.

"Asuna." Another warm voice.

I'm so happy and surprise when I saw two most important people in my life, Kirito and Yui standing not far away from me. My heart pounding so fast, at last after the things that I been through I can completely with them now. Thank you for the God beyond the thousands stars that he gives me a chance to be with them. I rapidly run faster into their embrace that awaits me.

All of the sudden, my view change into a white ceiling, previous events slowly infiltrate in my senses. Trying to move my hands and feet but unable to, I slowly observe the surrounding.  Screen monitor that shows my vital in the right side, IV line deeply penetrate the veins back of my palms up to the dextrose bag, white sheet covers me, simulating the color of entire room.

"K-kirito kun? Y-Yui-chan." Silent uttered escape from my lips, as I seek for the certain black haired and Artificial Intelligent. I turn my head left side noticing the sharp knife beside the unfinished peeling apple. I gaze it for a few seconds. All of the incident from the day I been confine in the hospital, my mother's plan to abort my child, my plan to escape from it, and the time that I almost die just to save my unborn child. Tears peeping in my eyes, when the entire event comes back in my senses, realization hit me so hard. How I did come back here. Why I'm here again? Why? Why?

Eyes widen as I tried to caress my lower abdomen and fear started to consume my entire being. How long I been asleep? Is my child still in my womb? No it can be! Please God, don't let that thing happened.

I prayed in all my might, I don't want my hope be withered. After all the things I had been through, please someone! Someone help me and my child. Sounds desperate, yes I'm desperate just like before.

Sensing foot step that nearly approaching my room, I rapidly and forcefully stand up, aware that I don't have yet all my strength to resist if they've plan to take me with them. The back of my palm suddenly bleed when I pull out the IV into it, still didn't want to give up. I know Kirito will come back to save me, just like he always does. He is my hero, and he'll be forever will. I coerce to stand up and stay stable, even though my knees are currently shaking. Describing myself as a big mess and pathetic. I grab the knife beside the unfinished apple, prepared to fight and use force if necessary. I stayed in the corned so it could help me stand firmly, I think and think. Whoever appeared in front me, I'll assume as my enemy.

"She'll be waked up soonest, so don't worry." One of the voices reaches my senses. They'll be here in a bear seconds.

After a few more seconds the door opened up.

"Stay away from me!" I fiercely declared while the sharp knife pointed into them, maintaining the distance between us. Two male nurse behind the familiar flax browned haired show abruptness from my sudden unexpected action.

"Yuuki san, stop it! It's dangerous." One of the guys resists me.

"I said stay away from me!" I repeated my words in much more fierce.

"Asuna, let it go. It's me Niahm, I' am here to help you." The flax browned haired stated with force temper but I notice his shaking hands.

"Stay away from me! I know that even you wanted to kill my child!! All of you want me to suffer!!" Sob escape from throat and tears uncontrollably flow down from my hazelnut orbs, preventing my body to its continues quivering.

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