Chapter 14: Farewell

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Rain gently pouring from the sky, concurrent of the tears from certain chestnut haired, wrapped up within the blanket inside her hospital room. Even though she did try her best to refrain from crying, her pregnant hormones won't let her. It almost two days when her mother told her about its plan to abort her beloved unborn child, everytime someone entered the room, her heart nearly stop due to the possibilities of Kyouko's idea to occur. From that day she never has been saw, neither the shadow of someone who introduce herself as personal nurse, Murasakino. Assuming that maybe her mother find out their plan, resisting the purpled haired nurse to perform it. Asuna's mother didn't once visit her, since the day she decided, what's Asuna's nighmare, abortion of its child. Thinking such horrible thing makes her body in fright, telling to herself that she must protect it in all cost, her and Kirito's child. Aprehending Kirito's words if she let her mother kill their child, it was so unacceptable and gruesome. Resisting herself to continuously cried, knowing that it's bad for the child's condition. Another hour past, it nearly in the midnight causing deafens silent consuming the place. Hastiness sound of foots approaching the room waken up her senses, rapidly getting out of her bed, standing at the corner of the room.

In Asuna's terror, she saw at least two doctors and three other young adult man considerable as hospital staff entered the room, preferring some medical stuff and injection with them. She sight the hospital bed stretcher behind, indication that she will be move outside of the room to transfer in one another adden terror in her being.

"Yuuki san, we're here to assist you, we're hope that you could cooperate, will you?" The older doctor, mouth covered with mass, completely geared with surgical scrubs said. His voice trying to be calm but Asuna's heartbeat almost stop when she realizing that this moment could be her fearsome nightmare.

"W-why? There's nothing wrong with me! Why should I go with you?!" Asuna firmly strengthen her words, didn't want to consort with them.

"Yuuki san, your mother instruct us to remove the fetus inside of your womb, even though we're aware of your possible resistance, we have to do our job. So please don't make this thing more complicated, we don't want to hurt you as possible." The old doctor seems irritated by Asuna's resistance.

"How could you ask me to cooperate if my child will be taken away for me!! Murdering my unborn baby just because of the money! Aren't you horrified from your deeds??It's you're job to save lives not to take it. It's my child that you'll be taken away from me and you're asking for me to cooperate!! How dare you." Asuna's teeth gritted from the anger, slowly consuming her inner self.

"Asuna san, it's rude to state such words. We've have permission to use force towards you if it's necessary, so please come along with us calmly." One of the two doctors interrupts, with cold expression.

The three nurse assistant started to make a step towards Asuna. The chestnut haired screams loudly while repulsively struggling.

"Stay away from me!!" Asuna panicky stated.

But the three nurses unaffected from her gesture rapidly hold both sides of her arms.

"Don't touch me!! Let me go!! Let me go!" Asuna struggled to be freed from their strong grasp, but the two nurses are strong enough to be resisted from the holds, but the chestnut haired didn't want to give up easily. After a minute of persisting to let off, her attention catches the glimpse of injection, preparing by the other nurse. Her eyes widen when she realize that maybe it was sleeping drug to prevent her from raging, want  made their job convenient.

Asuna P.O.V

"Think Asuna! Think! You must think! If you let yourself immunize by that drug, you're done, and either you're child!" I told to my inner-self with determination. Suddenly ceasing from my struggling, as they've lose their holds but prepared for any sudden act of running away.

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