Chapter 11: Declaration

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The group becomes surprise by sudden confusing statement, Johnson professed. Making themselves in wide eye surprise.

"W-what do you mean Mr.?" Kirito almost shuttered, rapidly turning his gaze towards his parents for proper explanation.

"You clearly heard what he speak, Kazuto." Midori said with solemn face.

"H-how could that possible? I'm not even a relative neither my father, so It's kinda confusing." Kirito tried to comprehend the meaning of scenario.

"As an honor for my big brother, for his kindness and enthusiastic into our business and personal life, we become grateful for him, letting us to be part of his life, that's why as you being his son, we've wanted to past his legacy to you." Mr. Johnson added.

"Don't deny this wonderful opportunity that awaits you, Kazuto kun." Kikouka partake the conversation. Kirito only look at the investigator with intense.

"Beside we'll gladly want help you towards the issue about you're adopted child from the deadly game sword art online. Same as the Artificial Labile Intelligence Cybernated Existence, also known as Alice, we're handy ready to be your sponsor for the same project that Kikouka and his team conduct, able to do the same thing with Yui, right?" Kirito mutinously observe the brown haired, sensing if he really does telling the truth. When it comes to his beloved daughter he views the possibilities as valuable chance.

"But right now is not the best way to decide about it." The black haired swordsman lowered his head.

"We will give you time to think about it Kazuto kun, I understand your worries, but please consider what I do offering you. Beside we won't rush you, needed to take a process." Johnson says with invoke.

"But mr. Johnson you're the real son, that's why you're the one who should inherit." Kirito reason the point.

"You're right I'm legally and genuinely a Hammelton, but I'm impotent to have a child that's why it's impossible for me to be the inheritor of the company, beside...... "

All of them silently waiting for him to speak up and continuous his explanation.

"I don't have enough time; I'm dying soon, due to my acute illness. The doctor already give me my limit, in exact two years, I will leave this world, that's why before that very moment arrive I want to save our company for those greedy merchant who wanted to buy it. I can't attempt those things to happen. I did promise to my big brother and father that I'll do anything to protect those things that important for me and for us." Johnson's voice slightly husky due to uncontained emotions. "However I admitted that before I was so weak to protect them. If I had courage to stop my big brother to leave us maybe there's a chance that he's still alive and well. But now I believe that I'm capable to fulfill my promises to them, including to assure you're better and brighter future Kazuto." He looks at Kirito with straight face.

"I-I don't know." Kirito remain wonder.

"We will teach and nurture you with new learning's and much more better and comfortable future, including you're currently family." Johnson added. The place rapidly becomes quiet as they've waited the black swordsman to speak up.

"Don't put him in rush to decide this matter, let us give him a time to decide what he plan for his future, even though that I saw your offer as a better opportunity and assurance, but occurrence was so swift for him." Midori gently caress Kirito's hair.

"I understand, but I'm hoping that you consider my offer. If you decide to take it I'm truly be grateful even big brother in heaven and my father. But it's still you're rights to resolve what you think is better for you, and don't forget to ask your heart about it." The brown haired stood up from his chair, preparing himself to leave.

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