Chapter 8: Insisting

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It's been a week after the confrontation between Niahm and Kirito happened. The tension in both side remain, especially into Kirito. The black haired swordsman becomes a little bit paranoid in many different aspects, always checking Asuna's condition, frequently call and message her even asking where she will go when she had to go outside. Asuna understand the reason of sudden change of Kirito's action and treatment, but she always reminds him to be careful into his decision, for his own safety.

Yuuki's household becomes busier due to upcoming event that will be held into one of their notable villa near at Saitama. Asuna wasn't surprise to find out that it has something involvement into her. Finalize her decision, she decided to use that chance declaring her objection towards the marriage her mother wanted her to perform. This time she won't be scared anymore to defy her own mother, it was her life and she the only one who can be decide what she wanted to do for her very own future.

Arriving at the villa, wearing her beautiful and elegant pink kimono with sakura printed design engrave into it, and her beautiful hair flowing in her back.

Arriving at the villa, wearing her beautiful and elegant pink kimono with sakura printed design engrave into it, and her beautiful hair flowing in her back

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Here it comes again, needed to pretend happy and hospitable, dealing with some spoiled arrogant rich man. She though its better if Niahm was there for her won't feel scornful in the same thing that always occurred in her life, but it's impossible since the tension still lingering in both sides. Wondering when this thing will stop to pestering her. Simultaneously shaking her head to remove those thought she had, there is no other perfect time better than right now to talk to her mother since she had a very busy schedule into the situation that they've unable to saw each other even they've live in the same roof.

Kind a little bit surprise, only few people attend that gathering, and some of them are only selected people who have a strong bond and friendship towards her parents. No high ranking business and political personalities, added some confusion into her. Some of their guests are familiar for her including some people he knew from showbiz industry. It was so unusual to happened, what's really going on, as she thought it to herself.

All of them cease from their chatting and socializing when a brunette lady glamorously walks into the center of the crowd, wearing her elegant red dress and her eyes was sharp, meticulously criticize the place. She could be considering as a celebrity due to her appearance and her figure was so intimidating. According to Asuna's observation that woman seems had the same age like her mother, and she's so familiar to her. Discomfort followed her when the lady looks at her with censure.

"Mom, stop staring her like that, it's uncomfortable." Niahm suddenly emerge from behind.

"I'm just observing her Nia, I can't see any wrong from that." The lady responds with mannerism.

Asuna wonder stuck from the moment, added the intimate approach of the lady towards her.

"Sorah, I'm glad that you came tonight, I'm so happy to see you." Kyouko hurriedly walk towards the lady named Sorah, simultaneously hug her with pureness.

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