Chapter 10: Chance

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Morning comes and welcomes them with intense tension. Kouchirou arrive in Kirigaya residence having his apprehending within Asuna's feelings and situation, can't blame his sister to act in that kind of way. The three of them, calmly seated oppositely observing one another movements, patiently waiting for possible explanation. Asuna and Kirito aware Koiuchirou visit, surely to fetch his sisters who conduct rabid decision yesterday, causing all of them in worried and panic but they've decided to let her feelings cold down before proceed to convince her again to agree from the previous and unending agreement.

"I'll properly introduce myself Kirigaya san. I'm Kouichirou Yuuki, Asuna's older brother." Kouichirou stretch his hands to properly hand shake Kirito, as he accepts it.

"Kirigaya Kazuto." Kirito coldly answered.

"I heard a lot of things towards you, and I'm glad to ably meet you, but I didn't expect to be in this kind of timing." Kouichirou lowered his head. "You're kind a popular since you're the one who manage to finish the game and –" Kouichirou cut up his words when Kirito speak up.

"Won't you mind stop blurting unneeded thing? That occasion was already part of my history. I'm aware why you're here." Even though Kirito knows that he's kind a sound like rude, but cannot compose himself after determine the reason why Asuna become depress, added the article he discern last night. Kouichirou surprise, didn't expected him to show such façade.

"So! Did you tell him, Asuna?" Kouichirou gaze turn to Asuna who silently seated, down casting head.

"She doesn't need to tell me everything in order to understand the situation." Again, Kirito answered instead of Asuna

"I'm here to fetch you Asuna, let's go home and solve this matter together with Mom and Dad." Kouichirou escape a sweet tone trying to convince Asuna, but she seems out of her mind didn't want to listen.

"I-I want to stay here, Oniichan. I felt that I wasn't safe anymore into our own house. Beside I don't want to get married to Niahm." Asuna hug herself from the realization, tears peeping from the side way of her eyes.

"How can you withstand her situation and feelings? You didn't see?? She's suffering." Kirito constrain his though.

"As far as I know, you're out of it Kirigaya san." Kouichirou irritated respond Kirito, he knew to himself that he doesn't want to see her sister in that kind of depressing presence. He wanted to protect her in any possible outcome, but he's aware that same just like her sister, he was powerless with it comes to this kind of matter, defying their parents. Understand Kirito's point of view in the situation.

"I'm not out of it, Kouichii-nii! As long as it has concern with Asuna, I'm also part of it." Kirito stated with seriousness, making the older son of Yuuki surprise when he call him the way Niahm also does, escaping smirk from his lips.

Little longer his concern came back to Asuna who tightly holds Kirito's sleeve.

"Asuna, listen to me. Niahm trying his best to convince both of our parents to change their mind about the disposition they've done last night. I'm asking you a favor to at least go along with him, even though he knew to himself that he's vulnerable when it comes to his mother, he's trying her best for both of you, he's much more concern about you that himself. So please if you really wanted to repudiate this issue, both of you must do the same thing." Kouihirou explained to Asuna, comprehending the situation Niahm currently facing waking up her conscience. How kind this precious friend of her to decides unselfish love towards her.

"Then I'll make my own move, I'll talk you're parents, formally this time to ask Asuna hands for marriage." Kirito interrupted when determination.

"Kirigaya san, please don't make the situation much complicated. I understand what you feel right now, but please don't make unnecessary decision and action." Kouichirou answered, noticeably the frown he did. "Mark my word Kirito san, I also want to protect my sister from this kind of turmoil that's why I need you to cooperate and trust me. I've don't have any plans to take her away from you." The older Yuuki said with honest declaration, almost putting Kirito to confide him.

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