Chapter 17: Hatred

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Asuna kind of surprise when she found herself in the cold floor, someone tried to stop her from her attempt to end her miserable life. For her living without Kirito and Yui, life no means anymore since they are the reason why she choose to fight despite of all painful thing she been through, added the possible death occurrence of her unborn child.

"Let me go, please. I want to die, I'm so tired." The desperate chestnut haired struggled under the body of the person whom manages to pin her into the floor.

Niahm and the others becomes shock to see that moment. Fear suddenly turns to relief realizing that the sharp knife was now far away from Asuna, it tosses aside from the corner of the room. That scene makes the brown flax haired felt sad to see his beloved childhood friend whom he love the most in that kind of desperate and piteous situation, but there's a part of his heart telling him to be happy since the chestnut haired beloved appeared to once again save her from the miserable situation. The young guy Niahm leave the place together with the two nurses that with him, leaving the two lovers in confusion.

"Asuna, I'm sorry, forgive me. I'm sorry." Kirito tighten his embrace towards the chestnut haired, suddenly shock to hear the familiar voice that she misses the most into the point that she unable to respond, and just simply waiting for him to speak up again to make sure that she's not wrong from her assumption towards the owner of the voice. Heart beat so fast, breathing becomes harder.

"I'm sorry for being late, but this time I promise to protect you." Loud sob can be heard from the white room, tears flowing from the eyes of one person whom did tried his best to fulfill his promise towards his beloved woman. The black haired wanted to panic when there's no respond from Asuna for almost half a minute.

Kirito break the embrace, slowly stare the woman beneath him. Two hazelnut orbs looking him with tears and agony, still unbelieves from whats in front of her.

"K-kirito kun?" Asuna sobbing and crying, she gently touches Kirito's cheeks to confirm that it was really him. The man she desires to be with until the end of time, the man who shows her the meaning of love, the man that she's willing to offer her very own life for his sake and security. "Y-our really here, Kirito kun?"

The black haired swordsman held Asuna to sit down and face him, smooth palm still in his face.

"Forgive me Asuna, I'm sorry for making you wait for too long. You suffered too much because of me, I don't know if I still deserve your love." His own words pierce deeply in his heart, he knew in himself that he can't accept if he completely lose Asuna in his life. "But I'm here now Asuna, so please once again believe in me and I will protect you and our child." Kirito with tears assured his words to be fulfilled. He knew in himself that he can, having the title of next heir in line of the Hammelton family certainly made him powerful enough, into the point that he can make the life of those people involve in this mess suffer as hell, but he will save it soonest for the sweet revenge that he prepared. For the meanwhile, Asuna and his child's condition is his top priority.

"K-kirito kun! Kirito kun." Once again Asuna cried out heartbreakingly into Kirito's chest. She can't find the best words to respond him. The only thing she knew, Kirito was beside her. Chestnut haired burst out into miserable tears, all his fear and pain slowly swayed together with the tears in her eyes. For her, Kirito was her real hero who always sincere when it comes into his words, a man with firm words and dignity that she proudly loved. Kirito expecting the chestnut haired to express her feelings and resentment by words, but he didn't receive anything from her, makes him scared a little.

"Thank you, Kirito for coming back. I did believe in you, as I always does because you're my hero Kirito kun, and forever will be." Still in her tears, she proclaims her gratitude towards the black haired. Giving her another firm embraces.

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