Chapter 7: Confrontation

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Subsequently of those circumstances, Asuna anxiety remains, particularly didn't receive any message or call from Niahm, she worried too much, trying to call him but end up unsuccessful. Maybe he's still mad or disappointed after receiving such rejection. In some way she felt relief whereas Niahm understand her feelings towards Kirito, Niahm consider and respect Asuna's decision that's why she still felt bad for what she did, however his words remain in her head 'Don't worry Asuna, I will be fine. Don't feel bad about it; actually I'm glad that you'll able to honestly tell me those things.'

There is a lot of exception when it comes to Niahm, compare to those rich arrogates who want to marry Asuna, Niahm is much better.

Almost one week when the circumstances happened between Asuna and Niahm but the chestnut haired still keeping that secret towards Kirito. Those fear still hunt her, but herself propelling and she swear to be honest into him.

Kirito ushered Asuna into her house that night.

"You better to take some rest Asuna." Kirito said with worriedness in his features.

"I always do, Kirito." Asuna said with force smile.

The blackswordsman lightly flip her forehead.

"Mou, Kirito kun." Asuna said with protest from his action. Gently rub her forehead.

"Do you think that I didn't notice those bags under your eyes? Even your weight, as you lost much of it. Aren't you properly eating and resting?" Kirito said with the same worriedness.

Asuna was so surprise when Kirito notice it. It was just a small detail but it didn't escape from his observation, proving that he really does care for her. She's glad and relief. Suddenly realize that she can do anything, everything if she was with him. That moment she decided to tell everything that happened the night at the Ferris wheel between her and Niahm for Kirito's knowledge, including the acceptance of Kirito's suggestion to ask the permission of her parents to marry her. In the side way of her mind it wasn't necessary to inform him about the occurrences, since she's already rejecting Niahm's proposal. It doesn't have any difference from the other guys she rejected, but Niahm case is varied since Kirito declared before that he view that man as rival that's why she must tell him everything withal that incident.

"Kirito kun, can we meet up tomorrow? I have something to tell you." Asuna respond with uneasiness making Kirito concerned.

"Can you tell it me right now, Asuna?" Kirito curiously said.

"It much more appropriate if we talk about it tomorrow, beside it's already late." Asuna grab Kirito's hand. "Kirito, I love you." Her words added blush into Kirito's façade.

"Ok, Asuna I won't insist." Kirito hands caress her face with love and affection, as he slowly kisses her forehead sweetly. "I love you too Asuna," After a minute, Kirito leave the place.

Time flew so fast, the day that Asuna's intend to tell everything to Kirito rapidly comes. After today's class, Kirito arrive early at the place where Asuna given for they've set up to meet.

Kirito P.O.V

It was a very interesting place for me; I rarely hang out in his kind of place with relaxing ambiance. Patiently waiting for Asuna makes me  felt a little restless, since last night. I decide to at least indulge myself with some cakes and sweet, rewarding for my patience.

"Can I talk to you?" I'm a little bit surprise when I saw the flax haired guy, standing in front of me, wearing the mask of intense façade. In the act of standing, he stops we from my plan simultaneously seated opposite of mine.

"What do you want?" I ask him with hard tone, he pore with rage that I'm aware at.

"I want to introduce myself first. My name is Niahm Pirge."

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