Chapter 12: Decision

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Kirito P.O.V

I'm at the nearest park in Saitama, soothing myself to properly and carefully cogitate the next step and decision that I must do. My head was so painful, maybe because of those nights that I can't properly sleep, unavoidable to be anxious. The silhouette of the certain blonde haired woman, emerge in front of me, when I look up, I saw her. Artificial intelligent humanoid Alice.

"What's the deal about you're dishearten shape, Kirito? It's seems unusual to find you like this." I saw her face with fussy expression, but I immediately avoid her gaze, certainly sure that he can read the expression I currently had.

"What you wants, Alice?" I respond with dead pan expression, as I notice her frown.

"The sun is bright and warm, don't waste it." Even though she's irritated from my previous comment, rather want to change the gloomy mood that I had.

"Don't make a joke Alice. It's raining." I'm aware indeed wasn't raining but deep in my heart perceiving rain drops, causing and penetrating even into the deepest part of my soul.

I slowly notice her hands, placing in my head. Discerning, she put the Augma, kinda surprise from her sudden action. Swiftly reveal the image of small fairy with tears pouring down into its cheeks, while I remained gawk by its appearance.

"P-Papa?!!" My adopter daughter looks at me with tears in her eyes, added me the sense of guilt. How egoistic I'm, didn't care if made my daughter and friends worried about me. I'm aware that they're also affected and restless for both of us. Yui's hands gently caress my face, and I can't even look at her eyes.

"I'm sorry Yui, I don't want you to see me like this. How pathetic I'am right now." I told her with unexpressive tone.

"Papa, that's not true, you're strong and I do believe in you, even Mama, therefore you must not give up, you just have to decide what's better for the sake of all, Papa. Mama and I won't leave your side, so please Papa, don't lose hope." Grateful that my beloved daughter remained positive and cheerful, her force smile, apprehends me how strong she is, manage to signify the action even with loneliness. So I resolve to do the same thing.

"Thank you for believing me, Yui." I mimic her force smile.

I suddenly thought that I must see and talk Asuna, before I perform the final the decision that lingering in my mind. It wasn't easy but it's better than do nothing, I must move and fight. My feet felt numb but I should make a step.

"I'll be patiently waiting for you and Mama, so you must go and move Papa." This time I appreciate the beautiful glint of sunrise, together with the cuteness of my Artificial Intelligent daughter. I turn my eyes towards Alice who kind of astonish from the vicinity, behind of where we are.

"What's wrong Alice?" I saw her reaction, when I called her name. Round eyes and sweat forming in forehead, slightly shaking. I'm become curious by her rebuttal. When I right of to look at what she's gazing, Alice seizure my face, stalling me to view what she's currently looking. "Hey, Alice!" I stated with alarm in her sudden action.

"K-Kirito. Can we into much cozy place? I'm not comfortable here." Alice said with straight face. But my doubt added when I also saw Yui's reaction, currently take a look in the same direction. I remove Alice hands from my face, demand to sight the place.

"No! Kirito!" Alice stops me but I give her hefty gaze.

Slowly I turn my head.... I'm surprise to saw Asuna beside the certain flax brownd haired who was so familiar to me. But wait?.... Is she?..... Is she's crying? Why Asuna is crying? I must know!! I must need to know, Why!!?" Livid anger started to burst out of my blood, and my hand tightly clamping, desiring to graze in his face, is that man made my beloved Asuna cry?? How dare he is and I won't let this thing pass.

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