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Okay so the high school I go to timetables are different compared to other ones, it goes;
Period 1, recess, period 2, period 3, lunch and period 4
So I'm just gonna keep it that way in this book:3

Enjoy xx

Beli's POV

Period one finally finishes, I get my stuff and walk to my locker but then got stopped by Mr McLaughlin, "I actually need to speak to you, Ms Kameāloha"

I look back at Queenie who was behind me, "okay?"

I move out of the way so people could exit the class.

"I overheard your conversation, again"

I don't say anything. He stands up, "she's right about the whole teacher and student thing, you know?"

I nod.

"Good..." he goes to the door and closes it, he comes up to me. I look up to him since I was a dwarf compared to him.

He must be at least 6'7 while my butt is 4'9 (this is my actual height oof).

"Can you keep a secret?" He asks softly.

"D-depends" I unexpectedly blush.

"Yes or no?"

"Yes?" I say more like a question.

"Good" He crouches down so his lips could meet mine. My whole 18 years of existing never ever realised how a could kiss feel like. His lips were soft. Everything about this moment was perfect. Including his beard that kept tickling my skin.

He stands properly so that he wasn't crouching anymore. His green eyes are locked onto my brown ones.

"You promise you won't tell anyone about that?" He asks.

"I-I promise, Mr McLaughlin"

"Call me Rhett. Only when we're alone" he smiles.


"Oh and you're off the hook about yesterday's situation. I'm sorry for everything I've said. I was just... mad" he says meaning it.

"It's okay, Rhett, I'm sorry you thought I said those things about you"

His smile grew as I say his name, "go on you, go to recess and enjoy it with your friends"


Our Little Secret (Rhett McLaughlin//TeacherXStudent)Where stories live. Discover now