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Beli's POV

Period 1 went by so fast, I had psychology where I usually sit there in class, listen to music and do my work in peace.

Instead of hanging out with my friends at recess I decide to chill in the library and study for the history test I have next period.

"Hey... Beli? Is it?" Brooklyn asks as she comes up to me.

"Yes. Hi Brooklyn" I smile.

"Please, call me Brook" she smiles back.


"What are you working on?" She asks as she takes a seat next to me.

"History. I have a test next period" I tell her as I write down one of the answers in my book.

"Oh good luck. I need to do last minute homework" she chuckles.

"What subject?" I look at her.

"Maths" she says sheepishly.

"Easy" I mutter.

"No way. Maths is so frustrating"

"I'm really good at it" (I wish lol) I look over at her work.

"They seem really easy. Want me to teach you?" I ask.

"Yes please!"


After my history test it's time for period 3, which is English.

I walk into class and sit in my seat completely ignoring Rhett's existence.

"Is Queenie here today?" He asks as he makes eye contact with me, I instantly look away.

"Yeah she is" someone answers for me.

I look back at Rhett, he knows there's something wrong. I could tell by the way he is looking at me.

I slowly shake my head at him before looking down at my fingers that were fidgeting.

"Wat ap bishes" Queenie stumbles in.

"Where have you been?" Rhett asks as he stands up.

"Fuk oof"

"Oh my god, she's drunk!" Connor screeches from across the room. I look at him then look at the person next to him-Sampson Dickson, to be exact. Never really liked him, to be honest.

"Beli, take her to the nurse's office. Make sure she goes home" Mr McLaughlin tells me.

I nod. I stand up and lead Queenie to the nurse's office. I tell one of the school nurses why Queenie was here and he says, "I'll make sure she stays here and drink lots of water, you can go back to class", with a smile.

I did what was told and head back to class. As soon as I walk in, Mr McLaughlin was writing notes on the board for us to copy down into our books about 'Little Miss Sunshine'.

I quickly take my seat and tried to catch up with the rest of the class.

Connor sneaks up next to me without the teacher seeing, since his back was facing us.

"Hi" I whisper slightly confusedly.

"Hey, Logan was wondering if you want to hang out at our place tonight"

"Oh, um, I'll message mother to see if it's okay" I smile, knowing the answer is going to be a no.

"Okay, great" he goes back to his seat. 

I open up my laptop and message mother.


Is it okay if I go to my friend's house tonight right after school?

Mother didn't reply until 5 minutes later.

Is it for school?

Yes, we're helping each other out with our English essay

Okay, then it's fine by me

Thanks mother

I look at Connor and gave him a thumbs up letting him know that mother said yes. He immediately knows and grew a massive smile on his face.

I close my laptop and continued writing notes from the board.


Our Little Secret (Rhett McLaughlin//TeacherXStudent)Where stories live. Discover now