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More people are added in the casts chapter, I would appreciate it if you go back to it and check it out:)))

If you have any suggestions, plz tell me and I might change a few



Beli's POV

I try to contact Rhett because I left my my bag in his car. I emailed him twice but still no response.

In the end I decided to go home without it so when Rhett isn't busy he can just drop it off.

As soon as I get in my house, I see frames smashed, furniture ripped up and broken, and then I see mother sitting by the dining table in her usual spot which is on the end.

I go up to her, "what happened?"

"Marco and I are getting a divorce" she says bluntly, "and I think it's time to treat you like a daughter"

I nod not knowing what to say.

"You've always been a good kid, I wasn't sure why I was afraid that you would turn out like me..." she wipes tears off of her face but more came.

"I think it was because I turned out exactly like my own mum"

"It's not too late to change" I say as she looks at me, she then smiles, "do you really think so?"

"Yes" I nod.

"I still have a chance to prove to you that I can actually be myself instead of acting like I'm someone else?"

I nod again.

"Thank you, Beli" she hugs me tight. Mother hasn't hugged me since I was about 1.

The door knocks. My mind immediately goes to Rhett. It has to be him, right? He has my bag.

"I can get that" I volunteer as I open the door.

"Your mother in?" Father asks. Well I shouldn't call him father anymore since they're not together anymore.

I look at her. Then back to him, "why?"

"Because I need to get my stuff without her screaming at me"

"Okay, well she's here" I say letting him in.

Mother looks at him confused she gets ready to say something but I interrupt, "he's getting his stuff. I think you both should just ignore each other's existence until it's over"

"Since when did you become the boss of me?" Marco shouts.

"Don't talk to my daughter like that, you know she's right!" Mother defends me.

"Whatever" Marco raises his hands in the air before letting it fall.

Mother walks to the kitchen and gets a few things out ready to start on dinner.

I take out my phone from my pocket and see if Rhett has contacted me. And he did;

Subject:School bag
To:Beli Kameãloha

I'll drop it by your place now.

"I left my school bag in Mr McLaughlin's office so he'll be here any minute to drop it off" I inform mother as I half lie. I can't tell her I left it in his car because she would then ask many questions.

"All good. How could you even forget your own bag in his office? Didn't you have a feeling that it's missing?"

"Well, yes but when I came back for it the office was locked" I say.

"Makes sense" she shrugs.

I look around the house, "I'm going to start cleaning up"

"You don't have to, I'll do it after dinner"

"I don't mind. I don't really want Rhet-Mr McLaughlin to see any of this and wonder what kind of place I'm living in" I tell her even though he already knows.


The doorbell rings as I just finished vacuuming where needed.

I look at mother. She nods once as if she just gave me permission to open the door.

I swing the door open and see a smiley Rhett.


"Hey Beli" he then passes me my bag.

"Thank you" I receive it as I place it next to the door.

I look back at mother and see that she was too busy cooking to see what was going on. I step outside and close the door.

"What happened with Mr Neal?"

"Don't worry about it" he looks down at his feet.

"Did he do anything with Queenie before we came in?" I ask clearly wanting to know everything.

He sighs, "Link has done nothing to her yet but I think I stopped him from anymore nonsense that could lead to him damaging his family"

I nod, "you're a great friend, you know that? You're very caring and just... amazing" I look up at him.

He places a hand on my head and smiles, "thank you"

He leans down and pecks me gently on the lips.

"I'm sorry for getting mad at you earlier"

I shake my head, "no it's okay, I understand completely"

The door then opens to reveal mother. She looks at Rhett as she gets memorised by his beauty.

"Wubhehello" she fumbles.
(I hope you get that reference)

"Hi Mrs Kameãloha"

"Call me Karen, Mrs Kameãloha makes me feel old" she giggles, "dinners ready and I was just wondering if maybe you would want to join?"

My heart sinks. No way. With Marco in there things will be awkward!

"I made a pork roast" she says in a singsong voice.

"Alright-I mean if Beli doesn't mind"


Our Little Secret (Rhett McLaughlin//TeacherXStudent)Where stories live. Discover now