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Beli's POV

The next day, I came into food tech 10 minutes late. Everyone has already begun to cook their meals.

I gave Ms Woods a late-note slip, "thank you, you can partner up with Brooklyn"

I nod, I made my way over to Brook.

"Hi, the teacher said that I have to partner up with you, is that okay?" I ask politely.

"Of course! I'm making peanut butter chicken curry. Clean your hands and grab an apron and I'll tell you what you can do" she smiles.

"Okay, thanks" I do what was told. I first tied my hair up in a messy bun then grabbed a checkered apron off the hook and put it on. I then go to the sink near the aprons and washed my hands with soap.

I rip the right amount of paper towels and begin to dry my hands. As soon as I was done I threw the paper towel in the bin and went back to Brook.

"Okay, so I'm almost done making the sauce but you can dice the chicken and chop the spring onion"



Brook and I were now done cooking our peanut butter chicken curry which were in our containers. Brook came back to me with two forks in her hands, she passed me one and we begin to eat our creation.

"So good! Can't believe I've never had this before!" I smile in pleasure.

"Really? My nani makes this all the time!"

"Wow lucky, I never get home cooked meals" I frown.

"Oh, what do you usually have?"

"When mother goes to work she would usually give me a can of beans and when father 'cooks' it's McDonald's" I tell her.

"Wow, a can of beans?" She questions.

"I'd rather have that than McDonald's" I giggle.



The bell rings indicating that it's recess. Brook and I walk together to our year level building before parting ways to go to our lockers.

I spot Logan leaning against my locker looking like he was waiting for someone.

I get confused, a little scared and nervous.


"Beli, hey, there you are..." he scratches the back of his neck.

"What are you doing at my locker?" I asked trying not to sound rude.

"I was waiting for you to come so I can apologise for yesterday's event"

"I-I don't think I can forgive you..." I frown.

*Yesterday's Event*

"Wanna make out?" Logan asks.

I thought about it. I really don't wanna make out with anyone but Rhett McLaughlin, the man I truly want to be with.

"Yes...? no...?" He gets impatient.

"Uhhh..." I then shrug.

He comes closer to me and places his lips on mine, "what about now?"

I still don't say anything, I just stare and form a smile on my face.

"Open your mouth"

I do what was told, he places his mouth on mine and slips his tongue in to wrestle with mine.

I then take a step back and shake my head aggressively, "I can't... I don't know what to do, I don't know what's right, I don't know what this would lead to or what it means to us. This is just all so confusing" I start to shake.

"Hey it's okay, just follow my lead and you'll get the hang of it" he was about to go in for a hug but I push him away causing him to fall to the ground.

He gave me a confused look, "Beli, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to help you out, okay?"

"I'm... just s-s-s-scared..." I cry.

*End Of Event*

"I know I shouldn't of done any of that. I should've known that you would feel uncomfortable and confused. I really am really sorry Beli, I hope we still can be friends and I hope I still can take you to prom"

Suddenly all of my rage for him disappears. He really did sound so sincere, "I forgive you. We still can be friends and you can still take me to prom"

"Thank you so much" he hugs me tight, I hug him tighter.

"Wanna hang out with me? Only us two though" he asks.

"Okay" I smile.


Not proud of this chapter🥴

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