"Can you zip me up?" I ask Queenie as we were both getting ready in my bedroom.
"Sure-wow you look so good!" She smiles with her eyes flicking up and down at me.
"Thank you, you do too" I then turn around so she could zip me up. I go to my bed and sit on it while slipping on a pair of heels.
"I think I'm done" I stand up.
"Let me touch up on your makeup" she grabs a brush and uses it on my face. She then grabs a bottle of setting spray.
"Close your eyes and try not to breath in this stuff"
She then sprays my face three times, "And done, look at yourself in the mirror"
I nod, I go to my body mirror near my dresser. I don't look like me. I look like a whole new person and I think I like it.
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"Right? You should wear all this more often" she comes to me and places her hands on my shoulders.
She looks amazing too in that burgundy dress. It had a slit up to her upper thigh to it as well to top things off.
She fixes her hair, "you okay? You've been staring at me for awhile"
I take a deep breath in, "I just hope Rhett comes"
"Oh honey, you're still worried?"
I nod, "I like him a lot"
"You mean you love him"
"I don't know" I back away and sit on the edge of the bed. I take my purse next to me and place it on my lap, making sure I got everything.
"I promise you he's going to come, if he doesn't I'll actually beat him up. I'll even record it for you" she looks back at me before looking back to the mirror.