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Beli's POV

The bell rings signalling that school was now over. I start to feel nervous about seeing Rhett in his office, knowing that he'd try to do something to me again.

I hurry out of class and go to my locker. I throw my stuff in the small space before yanking my bag out almost hitting Queenie.

"Girl, you better chill your ass down" she snaps.

"Sorry, I have to see someone now" I put my bag on and shut my locker, and push my lock up as I hear a click which tells me that it's now locked.

"Alright" she says slightly offended.

"See ya"

I make my way down to Rhett's office. As I approach the glass door where I could see Rhett sitting at his desk on his laptop. Butterflies starts to form in my stomach. I knock twice

"Come in" he shouts, loud enough for me to hear.

I pull down on the door handle but to no avail, "it's locked"

I watch him stand up, he makes eye contact with me before opening the door.

"Thanks" I almost whisper, I walk in. He closes the door behind me, "take a seat"

I sit down on a comfy chair next to the computer chair that belonged to Rhett.

"What did you want to talk about?" I finally ask.

"Your bruise" he sits next to me.

"There's honestly nothing much to it. Besides, I told you what happened"

"Beli, I know it was a lie. Is everything okay at home? Are you getting along with your parents, siblings well?" He asks locks his beautiful green eyes onto my honey brown ones.

"My siblings don't live with me and I'm okay with mother and father" I lie with a reassuring smile hoping that this will end very soon.

"I know what abuse looks like, Beli"

I frown, "Rhett..."

"Tell me the truth" he coos.

I take a deep breath and think of a lie to say;
I honestly just fell off my scooter. Crap! was it a scooter that I fell off of?
Wait maybe I should think of another lie. I could say that I got mugged and the person punched my face! That's sounds-

"Beli?" Rhett interrupts my thoughts. I shake it away, "I don't know what to tell you"

"You know what I want. The truth"

I sigh, "okay..."

"Father was high last night and slapped my face because I mentioned someone I wasn't supposed to" I tell him.

He takes awhile to process what I have said. He opens up his mouth to say something but gets interrupted by the knocking on the door.

He stands up and gets it, "sorry to interrupt, I just want to hand in this" I hear someone muffle.

"Thank you, have a good day" Rhett says before coming back. He places a booklet down next to his laptop.

"Who did you mentioned?" He opens his laptop up.

"My real father" I watch my fingers fiddle as my heart begins to race at the thought of telling someone about my real father.

"So your step-dad slapped you across the face just because you mentioned your dad into a conversation you were having with him? Was your mum there?" He starts typing but stops when he asks me a question.

"No, she was at work"

"Does your step-dad work?" He asks.

"No but he earns lots of money for doing favours from people" I say trying not to be too specific.

"Right, what kind of favours are we talking about?"

I stay silent.

"This will only stay between the two of us, okay?" He carefully grabs my chin to make me look at him. I nod. He lets go of my chin and waits for my answer.

"He sells drugs. He would sometimes do the sex with people"

He looks at me in shock, "does your mum know?"

I shrug, "he told me that mother always cheats on him, so..."

"What does your mum work as?"

"I'd rather not say" I watch my fingers fiddle again.

"I won't judge, I just need to know"

"Why do you need to know all of this? Are you my new therapist?" I giggle, slightly happy that he for one, cares about me and two, him being my very own personal therapy would be great!

"I could be" he smiles, "Do you want me to?"


"Great. Let's continue" he says as he types more stuff into his laptop.

"Mother's a hooker"

He clears his throat uncomfortably, "I think they're called escorters now"

"Yes, that" I say awkwardly realising my mistake.

"Would you like to continue or would you like to stop?" He asks.

"I would like to stop. This is kind of making me feel dizzy"

He nods and closes his laptop, "come here" he pats his lap.


"Come here" He repeats.

Welp, This has escalated quickly...


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