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Beli's POV

"Queenie, you're right, I should start liking guys my age" I say as I walk around my room on the phone with Queenie.

I put her on speaker and place my phone on my desk so I can somewhat start on my homework.

"Why? What happened?" She asks.

"Okay, so, you know how I liked Mr McLaughlin? Well turned out he already has a girlfriend-or a wife!" I correct myself.

I grab a pink pen out of my pencil case to rewrite the question from the textbook and then grab out a blue pen to answer the questions beneath the pink writing.

"What did you expect? Of course he does, he's old"

I don't say anything. I look at my phone. I drop my pen and question my whole friendship with Queenie.

She's never been a supportive friend. She's always telling me how right she is and how no boy will ever be good enough for me.

But if it was her whom was suffering from a heartbreak, I'll be supportive towards her. I always tell her that there'll be someone else for her. I'll be telling her how someone else will love her even more than the other.

I'm honestly so sick of this!


"What?" I ask bluntly.

"You okay? You went silent"

"I'm fine"

"You sound mad"

"I am" I grab my blue pen and continue answering questions.


"Because I can never find someone who will love me as much as Olive has ever did" I frown.

God. I can't believe I just bought up Olive! What the hell is wrong with me?!

"Olive? As in your ex Olive? Honey, she's overrated. Didn't we say that you weren't gay? Because your not! Society is fucking up your head, darling"

"It's sad because I love her" I cry.

"Are you seriously crying? Oh my god, I can't do this. Beli, if I found out that you are gay, I'll do the same thing that happened to you before" she threats.

I wipe my tears away as I sniffle.

"C'mon Beli"

I don't say anything as I thought there was no need to.

"You still there?"

"Yes" I clear my throat, "I just miss her"

"No you don't. She made you something you're not, okay?"

I nod.

"Did you nod?" She asks.


"Good. Now I got to go, Dustin's here"

"Alright bye" I hang up.


Our Little Secret (Rhett McLaughlin//TeacherXStudent)Where stories live. Discover now