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Logan's car^


Beli's POV

10 minutes later, I rock up at Logan's car and get in, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know I'd take that long"

"It's okay, what happened in there?" He inspects every inch of my body, he notices my messy brown hair and the red marks on my neck.

"Mr McLaughlin is my new therapist, he's helping me go through some stuff at home" I fix my hair.

"Right, looks like there's something going on between you guys..."

I look at him and blush, "n-no why would there be s-something going on?"

"I get it now..." he smirks.

My heart began to race. My fingers starts to numb, "w-what?"

"You have a crush on the teacher and tried to seduce him" he laughs.

"What?!" I squeak.

I then shake my head, "I do like him but I will never try to seduce someone I can't have" I cross my arms.

I then realise my mistake on telling Logan that I have a crush on my English teacher. He looks at me as if I was a freak.

"I'm sorry" I look down.

"Beli... can I ask you something?"

I nod still not making any eye contact.

"Do you think there would be an 'us' or am I just wasting my time?" He asks.

My head immediately shoots up, is he asking me out?

"Logan... are you asking me out?" I could feel my cheeks begin to heat up again.

"You could say that... I just mainly wanna point out that I really like you" he clears his throat and looks away.

I start to think. Do I like Logan? I started to think about Rhett. I've never been in a relationship since the incident of Olive, and I don't feel ready to move on unless it's Rhett.

"I thought you wouldn't say anything. Just be careful with Mr-"

"I like you too" I smile innocently at him.

"Really??" His cheeks flashes pink.

I don't, but I can't stand seeing someone so heart broken...

"Yes" I nod.

"Great! I-uh.." he coughs, "is it weird to kiss you?"

Oh god Beli what did you put yourself into?!

I shake my head wishing I nodded instead. He smirks for a little before leaning in and placing his lips on mine.


Our Little Secret (Rhett McLaughlin//TeacherXStudent)Where stories live. Discover now