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Beli's POV

I pull my bag out of my locker and swung it around my back. I put my arms in the straps then looked at Queenie. She's too busy on her phone.

"Is everything okay?" I ask her.

"Yeah, I just...." she sighs, "don't worry about it" she looks at me as she slips her phone in her pocket. I watch her pack her bag.

"I'm here for you, even if I may not understand some of the things you tell me"

"Thanks Beli, really" she smiles. It's a fake smile. I can tell because her eyes are screaming for mercy.

"I want to help you"

"I'll tell you later, you need to see your man and deal with whatever he wants to talk about" she smirks.

"What's with the smirk?" I point out.

"He probably wants a taste" she giggles.

It takes me awhile to get what she meant, "I'm not going to do the sex with him"

"Yeah we'll see"

"Okay.... I'll see you tomorrow" I say.

"Yeah" she hugs me which she barely does first. I release the hug and left.

I knock on Rhett's office door. The door swings open and reveals a very smiley Mr Neal.

"Beli! Hey, what's up?" He asks happily.

"Um, Rhett-I mean Mr McLaughlin wanted to talk to me?" I say more like a question.

"Oh right, he told me about that. He's not in yet but come in. Get comfy"

I nod and did what was told. I look around the place, it was very decorative unlike the last time I came here. I place my bag down next to a chair that was in front of the desk and sat down.

"You calling him by his real name, huh? He must like you" Mr Neal looks around and fixes a few things.

Does he know? Did Rhett end up telling someone about it?

"Yeah, I guess so..." I blush.

"I'm back... oh hey Beli" Rhett says as he walks in, he then sits on the chair in front of me.

"Hey..." I murmur.

"I'll let you guys be, to discuss whatever happened... I need to pick my kids up from school and go home" Mr Neal says, he looks at his watch and waves, "see ya"

"Bye Link" Rhett says out loud.

The door then shuts which suddenly gets me all nervous.

"Did Jessie tell you anything..?" He says lowly.

I shake my head, "not really. She told us that she's working on changing her last name"

"Just be careful what you tell around her, okay?"


Then there was silence. He was staring at his computer as he was reading something.

"You told Queenie about us?"

I turn a shade of red, "I-I-I'm sorry"

He doesn't say anything nor does he make eye contact.

"I had to. She did see us doing stuff in English today. I had to tell her what's going on"

He finally looks at me, "I understand. Just don't tell anyone else about us okay? It's supposed to be our little secret"

"I won't"

"Good... did Queenie say anything when you told her?" He asks.

"Kinda. At first she freaked out and gave me a lecture but then apologised and told me she can't be a hypocrite"

"A hypocrite? What has she done?"

"She was the one who got our old history teacher fired and now she's crushing on a teacher" I tell him honestly.

"Wow. Wait isn't your new history teacher Mr Neal?"


"Is she crushing on him?" He smiles.

"Maybe...." I look around.

"I can't tell you, I'm not supposed to tell anyone" I look back at him.

"Well you told Queenie about us" he chuckles.

"Okay, fine, she likes Mr Neal"

Rhett begins to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Nothing, don't worry about it. Please tell her that he has a wife and three kids. I'm really close with him and I don't want to see him or his family hurt"

"Okay" is all I could say. How am I supposed to tell Queenie this? She's going to be hurt!

"Do you have any kids?" I suddenly ask.

He looks at me dead straight in my eyes, "I can't lie to you. I have two. Locke and Shepherd"

I nod as I look down, "how old?"

"Locke is 13 and Shepherd is 8"

"Is it with Jessie?" I ask knowing the answer.

"We were married after all, so yeah it is"

"Okay" I watch my hands fiddle with each other.

"That's not going to be a problem is it?" He asks as he slightly leans in.

"I don't think so"

"Can you look at me and answer it?"

I did what was told. I take a deep breath as my answer changes, "I don't know"

"Look, Beli. Jessie and I are over. She still thinks there something going on but there isn't. I promise. And just because we have two children doesn't mean we are getting back together, okay?"

This makes me feel better about myself and what I have with Rhett. I smile which makes him smile.



I guessed Locke and Shepherd's ages so plz don't attack me;-;

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