Sneak Peek- Excerpt from a chapter.

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Aisha's POV


I parked my Range Rover in front of the glass skyscraper and got down, my Chanel bag in hand. I locked the car, smoothened my dress with my hand and looked up at the building.

Gobir and Akinfemi Legal Practice.

One of the biggest and best law firm in the country. It had always been my dream to serve as lawyer here and thanks to God and my hard work, I'm finally here. I put on my best smile and walked Into the building majestically, carrying an aura of confidence, as always.

The lounge was quite large and very busy. Everyone was doing one thing or the other. When I came for my interview the just concluded week, this much people were not around. As I made my way to the elevator, I greeted people as they passed me. I already knew my way around the the big company. I pressed the button indicating the floor I was going to and up I went.

Soon, I was at the top floor where my office was and lucky for me, I saw Ololade, giving instructions to a few staff around her. I met her during the interview. She gave me a tour around the place and was pretty nice to me. I'm glad to have already made a friend.

"Lola." I called her and she turned around, beaming when she saw me. She dismissed the staffs and made her way towards me.

Ololade was a pretty lady with glowing toffee skin and killer figure. She had on a white and black striped shirt with a high waist skirt that was below her knee but had a side slit to her lower thigh. Her blue stiletto heels and straight hair completed the professional but chic look.

"Babe, where have you been?" She whispered-yelled at me playfully.

"I was caught in traffic. Am I late?" I looked at my watch. "It's just five minutes late." I shrugged.

"You are saying that because you haven't met the boss. Speaking of which, he said you should see him by the time you get here." She told me.

"Barrister Jimmy?" I asked. Jimmy was the one who interviewed me last week and he was really nice. I shouldn't have a problem with him, should I?

"Not Jimmy. Jimmy only filled in for Gobir because he was out of town. Barrister Gobir is Jimmy's partner. They are both heads of the firm. Abi, why do you think it's called Gobir and Akinfemi Legal Practice" Lola smirked at me.

"That makes more sense."I chuckled. "Well let me go and drop my bag then I'll get to his office immediately after that." I told her.

"Alright love. Good luck. You might need it." She smirked mischievously and walked off. I frowned but brushed what she said aside.

I dropped my bag in my well furnished office and walked towards the boss's office which was also located at the top floor. I exhaled and knocked.

"Come in." A deep but barely audible voice replied. I was so scared. I've never met the big boss before. I didn't know how he looked like or how he would act like.

I opened the door, heads bowed as a sign of respect. I was already late. I didn't want to seem disrespectful too. Wouldn't want to loose my job on my first day. I'm pretty sure many other people applied just like I did, so I can't screw this up.

"Good morning sir." I said, my head still down, my eyes on my manicured toenails.

"Tardiness on your first day isn't a good first impression, Miss Aisha Coker." The voice was deeper, clearer. It sounded younger than when I heard it from outside.

Am I hearing things?

"I'm sorry sir." I said sincerely, My eyes were still on my toes.

"I would prefer you look me in the eye when I'm talking to you, Miss Coker." He said.

I slowly looked up and my eyes met the most alluring, deepest and darkest eyes I had ever seen...

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now