Chapter 3

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Aisha's POV

Today was the day. The day I'd be starting my job as an attorney in one of the best and most prestigious law firms in the country. I was excited. I woke up very early to get ready. Emeka was still asleep, of course. He didn't have to get up early because he was the boss of his own company. Picking up my white towel, I entered to bathroom to observe my hygiene.

About forty five minutes later, I came out, towel cladding from my chest downwards and one wrapped around my hair. Emeka was already up, tapping away on his phone. He looked up when he heard me come in.

"Good morning babe." He smiled. I smiled back and went to sit in front of the mirror, my makeup, body and hair products splattered on the table like a show room. My wigs placed on the heads of several dummies on a different table.

"Good morning. You are up early today, compared to other working days." I teased as I pressed body lotion to my palm and started to cream my body.

"What do you mean? I'm always up early." He replied with a smirk.

"Oh sure. Whatever floats your boat, love." I replied staring at my reflection.

"Speaking of being up early, why are you up early today?" His attention was back to his phone and thankfully he didn't see me roll my eyes. He hated it when I did that.

I can't believe he forgot.

"Babe, I mentioned it to you last week. I got the job from Gobir and Akinfemi Legal Practice. I'm starting today and I honestly can't be late on my first day." I explained to him, moving to the wardrobe to get out my clothing, putting them on one after the other. Thankfully, Zaria had helped me pick out a very simple yet stylish gown for my first day.

"Oh, yes you did mention. I'm sorry, it skipped my mind." He apologized, not taking a glance off his phone.

"It's fine." I went back to the table to style my hair and do my make up.

"Baby..." Emeka called again.

"Hmm?" I hummed, dabbing my face with foundation spurred on a beauty blender.

"I honestly don't see why you have to work. I have more money to last both of us a life time. Why go through all this stress to get a job at a law firm that I'm pretty sure I can buy with just a little money." He said with a hint of pride in his voice. I dropped the beauty blender and stared at him through the mirror, disbelief evident in my eyes.

Is he really bringing this up now?

"Emeka, we talked about this. I need to make my own money. I have the certificate, it can't just go to waste because my fiance is one of the richest men in the South-west..."

"In Nigeria." He corrected me, looking at me and I fought the urge to actually roll my eyes.

"My point is, I need this. I really do. My dad doesn't mind me having a job. I don't think you should too." I started to apply powder and then started highlighting with bronzer.

"I'm the one getting married to you. I think I should also have a say." His voice had gone up and it seemed like he was yelling. I took a deep breath.

Not this morning. Please.

"I understand and I respect you but this is still my decision to make. Please respect that too." My voice held silent pleas to him and I prayed in my heart for God to also touch his heart so that he would calm down. Thankfully, he heaved a sigh, at least to calm himself down.

"Okay, you are right. I'm sorry." He came behind me and placed a kiss on the top of my head. I smiled, happy that he didn't blow up this early morning. "You should get ready while I freshen up." He added and with that, entered the bathroom. I heaved a sigh. I have to keep it together. For my sake.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now