Chapter 10

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Aisha's POV

It was the weekend and Emeka had travelled on a business trip, thankfully. My wounds had healed a bit but at least I was able to walk without wincing. I was the only one at home, walking around and putting the house in order because of course the maids always had the weekend.

My drifted off to Hakeem. I've been ignoring him since that little moment in my office. I knew he so pass my lies and though he might not know the complete truth yet, I'm sure he already has his speculations. He seemed like a man that nothing got past. He was observant.

So I resulted to ignoring him. It was cowardly but it was my best bet to escape questions I wasn't ready to answer. The issue now was that, he didn't seem fazed by my attitude towards him. It was like he didn't notice me ignoring him and even if he did, he didn't seem bother by it. Basically, we were back to the zero point. Like the first day we met and truthfully, it was annoying.

But it was necessary. For my sanity

My ringtone pierced through my thoughts. I looked around for my phone and saw it on the table. I looked at the caller and saw it was my mum. I cleared my throat and picked the call.

"Good morning, mummy." I said,

"Omolade," Mummy was calling me by my middle name. I'm in trouble.

"Maami." I laughed, getting ready for the tongue lashing

"Se nkan ti o se da? What you are doing isn't fair o. You haven't called us in a month. You just forgot someone like that. If not for Emeka, that keeps sending us gifts every day and assuring us that you are okay, your father and I would have thought something bad had happened." My mum stated. I rolled my eyes at the obvious revelation.

Emeka was fond of doing that and it was annoying, terrible annoying. He was trying to bribe my parents indirectly, making them think he was the best son-in-law to be. My parents were rich, no doubts but Emeka was wealthy. I hissed.

"Mum, I'm sorry. Work has been demanding so I haven't had much time for myself even." I explained to her.

"I've heard you. Just find time to visit us. You know what, why don't you come around today. Zaria is home. Your father is out on a business trip. Let's have a girls day out." My mum squealed like a teenager and I laughed. I actually need a time with my family. It's been a while.

"You know what. I'd take you up on your offer. Emeka is out too on a business trip and I'm bored out my mind." I replied.

"It's settled then. We'll be expecting you."

"See you soon." I hung up and raced to the room to freshen.

After that, I rummaged my wardrobe for what to wear. Because of the heat, I decided to wear a black singlet and ripped jeans. Most of the scars on my arm were less visible so I was safe. I also decided to let my hair down, sticking my shades into it. Emeka never liked my hair down but well, he's not here. In no time, I was in my car, zooming out of the compound.

Because of the distance between the mainland and the island and the unending Lagos traffic, I got to my parent's house an hour and a half later.

I honked and the gate man came to to open the gate, hailing me. I squeezed a thousand naira into his hands and he prostrated. I waved his continuous gratitude off and walked into my parents house. I walked right in only to see my sister and her boyfriend, Joel, chatting away. She was lying down and her head was on his lap while he had his fingers running through her hair. I cleared my throat and Joel looked up. Zaria did to.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now