Chapter 17

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Aisha's POV

I was at home, in the kitchen. Yes, I said at home. Nadia basically said it's my house now as much as it is hers. I was grateful every passing day for the friends I had now. Before Emeka, I was an introvert, I only had two friends, Shalewa and Dami. After law school, Shalewa travelled out of the country and I barely heard from her until we totally lost contact. Dami got married last year and also travelled out of the country with her family. We talk once in a while.

When I started dating Emeka, he didn't see the need for me to have friends. Pathetic, I know. He claimed that it was better to trust no one. I thought he was right. So when he started abusing me, I couldn't tell anyone because I had no one to tell.

I went deeper into my shell and it was difficult for me to open up to anyone. Now I have people that cared about me, people that would stop at nothing to see that I'm taken care of, especially with the fact that I've been battling with series of nightmares occasionally. Nadia decided to get me a therapist who came thrice a week to have a two hour session with me.

Nadia and Lola had gone to work. I had to stay home for safety reason. I decided to keep myself busy by doing a bit of chores and cooking different dishes so I could stuck them in the fridge. I heard the front door open and close and continued washing the fish. I heard foot steps approaching the kitchen and I looked back to see Hakeem dropping nylon bags on the cabinet top.

"Hey..." I smiled, looking back to the fish I was cleaning.

"Hey. You are keeping yourself busy."He stated, moving over to the pot of efo I was preparing and opened it. He inhaling it's sweet aroma. "Hmmmn hmmmn, wife material one thousand yards." He teased and I giggled. I took the fish and started to put them into the deep fryer one by one.

"Well, I have no choice but to keep myself busy. You know I can't go to work." I looked at him over my shoulder.

"I wish you could, honestly. I really miss you at work." He whispered and my face became flushed but I didn't let him see it.

"You miss me or you miss picking on me?" I asked him, my lips stretched in a knowing smirk. He laughed at my statement.

"Maybe both." He replied and I snorted.

"Don't whine me. I prepared Amala for lunch. Are you interested?" I asked.

"See you asking me jamb question. Of course I am." He replied and I laughed.

"Well, go on and freshen up. I'll set the table and we'll eat together. I need to take a break anyway." I told him.

"You are the best." He swiftly kissed my cheek and ran upstairs before I could say something about it. I blinked severally and cleared my throat. I wasn't sure he knew what he just did.

This is certainly not good for the heart.


Hakeem's POV

I came down stairs dressed in a vest and three quarter length shorts. I saw Aisha setting the table and I smiled. She looked so serene. Her hair was every where and even though she kept sweeping them with her fingers, they still found a way to fall back on her face. She looked so happy and carefree. This was the real Aisha.

The Aisha I wanted to spend every moment with.

Too soon?

"Are you going to keep staring at me or you are going to come and eat your food before it gets cold." Her voice pierced through my thoughts and I looked at her and found her smirking. I chuckled nervously and went to sit down. She went ahead to serve my food and then served hers as well before she removed the apron and sat down.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now