Chapter 11

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Aisha's POV

"Hey baby." He said, striding up to me with his hands shoved into the pocket. I took at look at him. He was dressed in a stripped shirt and black chinos. He had loosened a few buttons from his shirt, exposing his chest and a gold necklace. The sleeve of his shirt was rolled up to his elbow.

"Emeka, what are you doing here?" I asked him. He already got to my side, placed his hands on either side of my folded ones and placed a kiss on my cheeks. No butterfly after effect tho. I gave him a tight lipped smile when he leaned back to look at me.

"Well, I just wanted to surprise you." He took the shopping bags from my hand and placed them on the sofa.

"I am surprised." I replied. He chuckled and took my hands in his, leading me to the big feast he had set up.

"Are you not happy to see me?" He looked at me skeptically. I quickly put on the fakest smile I could muster.

"Of course I'm happy to see you. You just caught me unawares that's all." I said. Since the episode with Hakeem this afternoon, I've been feeling quite off, about everything.

"Good then, because I made us dinner. You must be hungry after the day out with your family." He pulled out a chair for me and I sat down. He sat down beside me.

"You made dinner." I looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He cleared his throat and smiled.

"Of course not. I called one of the maids to out something together quickly before you come." He replied.

"That explains this, because you cannot boil water to save your life." I muttered to myself but Emeka heard and laughed.

"Oh please, I'm not meant to be in the kitchen. That's a job for you ladies." He said, dishing out his own food from the plate. I frowned at his statement. Is a man really saying that in this generation? I decided to ignore him.

I dished out my food, since he wouldn't do it for me. It was a meal of jollof and fried rice, fried chicken and shrimps. I didn't take much because I was still filled from the lunch we had at the mall. Immediately my mind went to something he said earlier.

How the hell did he know?

"How did you know I was with my mum and my sister?" I asked him. He stopped eating and looked at me.

"I have my ways, Aisha." He said dismissively. I looked at him skeptically.

"Did you have someone follow me?" I asked him. He ignored me and kept eating. "Answer me, Emeka." I said, trying to remain as calm as possible.

"What if I had you followed? I was just trying to check in on things from Calabar where I was." He shrugged nonchalantly.

"Are you being serious right now? You had me followed, are you kidding me?" I stood up, completely loosing my appetite.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" He snapped at me standing to meet me. I don't know where the confidence came from but I didn't not step back in fear. I stood my ground this time.

"Why shouldn't I raise my voice at you? How dare you have me followed without my consent? That is an invasion of my privacy, mine and that of my family." I snapped back at him.

"What sort of ungrateful bitch are you?! You should be grateful I'm even trying to look after you even while I am away." I could see clearly that he was trying to control his anger. I saw his neck veins about to pop. Still I didn't stand back.

"You are only trying to satisfy your jealous self. Admit it yourself, you don't trust me enough to leave me alone at home because you think I'm having a secret affair somewhere." I replied.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now