Chapter 1

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Aisha's POV

I woke up to birds chirping on the tree by my window and the very bright ray of sunlight shining directly on my face. I made to sit up only to groan in pain due to the throbbing headache I was having.

Turns out, that wasn't the only part of my body that hurt. I tried to move my hand to my head but the pain that shot through my veins didn't let me. Immediately, everything from the previous night came flashing back to me.

Flash Back...

"Emeka, please don't..." I begged but he turned deaf ears to my pleas and pushed me to the floor. He looked at me with so much anger and disgust as he rolled up his shirt sleeves and started to unbuckle his belt from his trouser.

I knew what was coming next and tried to crawl away but he was too fast. He picked me up by my hair and yanked me towards the sofa, Ignoring my yelps of pain. He pushed me hard on the sofa and closed in on me, trapping me.

"What did I tell you about talking to other men? Ehn?! Answer me!" He growled and I cowered in fear, tears in my eyes.

"Emeka, I swear to God, he is just a good friend..." I shivered in fear, my hands clasped together, pleading with him.

"Are you lying to me right now?" He chuckled, but there was nothing amusing about it. I could hear the venom coming from his words.

"No! I'd never lie to you. You know that. We went to Law School together. He is just a friend." I tried to assure him but I knew all my efforts would be futile.

God help me.

"He is just a friend yeah? And you were hugging him like that? You were clinging to him, pressing your body against his, like the slut that you are!!" He growled out.

"No!" I yelled. I saw him widen his eyes and I knew I had made a terrible mistake. Immediately I felt a stinging effect on my cheek, causing my hand to automatically go there. He slapped me.

"You are raising your voice at me?! Are you mad!" He slapped me again and I cried out.

"Emeka, I'm sorry." I sobbed, but I knew just like every other night, I won't be spared.

"You'll be sorry by the time I'm done with you."

He rolled his belt in his hand and I felt the metal buckle hit my body in a very painful lash! I cried out in pure agony, begging him to stop but he didn't...

Flash back ended.

I blinked as tears made it's way out of my eyes. It never gets old. The beating, the insults, everything.

Emeka and I met at a conference in Abuja three years ago. I was in my final semester in my fifth year of university. He was a charmer. I also loved the way he carried himself. It was there and the I found out he was the son of one of the most influential politicians in the country. I have heard a lot about his father's escapades but I didn't want to judge him based on his father's sin.

We lost contact after the conference but we found each other in Lagos a month after. One thing led to another and we started going out.

Emeka and I have been together for two years and engaged for six months. I know what you are thinking. Yes, I agreed to marry this man but it's not as if I have a choice. There was nothing I could do. He has always promised me he would stop and that he would go for therapy but there hasn't been any change. If anything, it's getting worse.

We have painted ourselves to outsiders as "couple goals". Almost in the entire country knows we are getting married in six months time. There is honestly no going back. I can't see any way of going back. I want to believe I can still change him, but... I don't know anymore.

As if on cue, the door opened and Emeka came in.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

I briskly cleaned my face and struggled to sit up. He smiled at me but I kept a straight face. He was holding a tray with food, pain killers and of course, a rose. Let's not forget the rose.

Let the charade begin.

"Hey baby." He cooed. I just stared ahead, ignoring his greeting. He moved further into the room, still speaking

"I made you breakfast and brought you some pain killers..." He trailed off.

"And a rose. Don't forget the rose." I gave him a sarcastic smile. He cleared his throat and placed the food on the bedside table close to me. He went ahead to sit down beside me. He reached out to take my hand in his. I felt a cold chill run down my spine and it was not a good one.

"Aisha, I'm sorry." He said, looking into my eyes. I let out a strained humorless laugh.

"You are always sorry, Emeka." I replied, looking away from him.

"This time I mean it." He placed his index beneath my chin and gently turned my face to look at him.

"You always say that. You always 'mean it' Emeka and yet, here we are, like always. Me on the bed with bruises all over my body, with reopened wounds from the last beating." My voice was quivering and fresh tears were beginning to appear in my eyes. Emeka sighed and brought his hand to cup my face.

"Babe, I'm sorry. Believe me, I am. I was pissed, I was very angry. You know how I can be when I get angry. You know what I can do when I get angry, yet you keep provoking me." I looked at him with so much disbelief. He was trying to defend himself.

"I keep provoking you? Really? Emeka, I..." A knock on the door interrupted me. Emeka looked at me and I shrugged.

"Aisha. Emeka. Are you in there." I widened my eyes in realization. My younger sister, Zaria had informed me earlier in the week that she would be visiting me during the the weekend. I totally forgot. I looked at Emeka and he also had his eyes wide in realization.

"I would get the door, please go and freshen up and wear something that would hide..." He started but I cut him off.

"You don't have to tell me the drill. I know it by heart." I muttered, stood up from the bed and entered the bathroom.

"Zaria, hi!!! We totally forgot you'd be coming." I heard Emeka say. He sounded so sweet. I scoffed but kept listening

"Its okay. Is Aisha in?" I heard Zaria ask.

"Uhhh... Yeah. She's in the bathroom. We had a really long night, if you know what I mean." Emeka replied, a suggestive tone added to his voice.

Long night indeed. He wasn't totally wrong anyway. It was a very long and painful night.

"Eww!! You didn't have to tell me that na! Now, the image will never leave my head." Zaria gagged. I heard Emeka's hearty laughter before the door of the room closed, indicating they had gone. I sighed.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and cringed at what I saw. My eyes were red and swollen. My cheeks had purple blisters on them. I looked at my neck and saw finger marks, indicating he had strangled me. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes but I blinked it away. There was no use crying.

This was my life now. I've gotten used to it.


Hey guys, I really hope you enjoyed this chapter since it's the first chapter. I hope it caught your attention and it's giving you the vibe to keep reading (when the other chapters are uploaded).

It seems like Aisha is not as strong as we thought her to be. Emeka is such an asshole...

Don't forget to vote, comment and share.

Temilade ❤️❤️❤️

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