Chapter 25

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Read the Author's note below. Very important, please don't skip.

Third Person POV

"Madam, who are you and how do you know about Chief Maduka's case." Hakeem asked, his voice coming out as harsh. The woman released a breath.

"I am Mrs Pratt, the widow of the witness that was killed five months ago." She dead panned. Jimmy gasped and Hakeem widened his eyes.

That's why her face looked so familiar.

"I knew I had seen your face somewhere. Wow, this is interesting." Jimmy voiced out Hakeem's thought. Mrs Pratt smiled and nodded.

"But we heard you left the state for security purposes, due to your husband's death. Why are you back?" Hakeem asked. She sighed and licked her lips, making to explain.

"After my husband died, I had no other choice but to leave the state because I didn't want the Madukas coming after me to. I was frightened and I had to run away." She said. Hakeem narrowed his eyes at her.

She wasn't speaking the entire truth.

"Is that the only reason you left the state, Mrs Pratt?" Hakeem asked. Jimmy looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She sighed and shook her head.

"No, barrister. That wasn't the only reason I left the state." She revealed and Jimmy sat up paying full attention.

"What else made you leave?" He asked. Mrs Pratt looked at Jimmy.

"My husband was one of the men that burnt down the town in Kaura and he had incriminating evidences against Chief Maduka which he began to use to blackmail the Chief." She revealed again and Hakeem raised his eyebrows in realization, stroking his chin with kin interest to this new story.

"What sort of incriminating evidence did your husband have against the chief?" Hakeem asked. She sighed yet again

"My husband had recorded the conversation between the chief and the assigned men for the job. After the job was done and Chief had paid them off, my husband, being the greedy man that he was wasn't satisfied with the pay and decided to blackmail chief for more money, even tho I strictly warned him against it. At this time I was two months pregnant with our first child." Mrs Pratt already had tears in her eyes, remembering the past memories. Jimmy handed an handkerchief over to her.

"Take your time madam." He said and she nodded in appreciation. After a moment of sobs and sniffs, she pulled herself together and began again.

"He blackmailed the chief, asking for an extra two million naira or he would tell the entire country that he was behind the fire outbreak. I was scared because I knew what ruthless man the chief was. But I was surprised when the chief heeded to my husbands request and gave him the money." She said and Hakeem frowned.

"Chief Maduka gave him the money? Why? Knowing that man, he'd have killed your husband immediately he made that claim." Hakeem said and Jimmy nodded, equally confused.

"Exactly what I thought too, barrister. It even continued for two years, I mean my husband blackmailed chief for one year. I had already giving birth to a set of twins, both girls. It was as if he was waiting for the right moment to strike." Mrs Pratt burst into tears again.

"Calm down madam." Jimmy said.

"I had taken my kids to the creche that day. They were just few months old. Then suddenly at work, I got a call that my babies had been kidnapped. I went mad. I called my husband immediately and we were running from pillar to post. When we got home that day, there was a compact disc waiting for us at the front of the house and we decided to play it." She sniffed again.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now