Chapter 19.

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Aisha's POV

I stirred and stretched my hand behind me. The space felt empty so I opened my eyes to find out the Hakeem had left the room. I would still perceive his scent so I knew it wasn't long ago that he left. I raise the duvet to see that I was very much naked underneath. I smiled, biting my bottom lips as everything that went down that afternoon came back to me.

Oh my God, I'd be too shy to face him now.

I heard voices from the downstairs and decided to freshen up so I'd join them. After taking a shower, I wore a Jean short and Grey sweatshirt. I packed my hair in a high bun and began to make my way down stairs. When I got to the top of the stairs, I could hear their voices clearly.

"We have to tell Aisha before she finds out herself." Lola stated matter-of-factly. I frowned. What were they hiding from me? I began to descend the stairs.

"Find out what?" I asked, slowly making my way down the stairs. I seemed to have caught them unawares. Lola and Hakeem looked up to see me staring at them. I was confused and lost. Hakeem looked at Lola who nodded at him like a go head. By then I had gotten to the foot of the stairs.

"Aisha, there is something you need to know." Hakeem started. All my shyness from earlier had disappeared. This seemed like it was serious issue.

"But first, you might need to sit down." Lola stood up and came to me, leading me to sit beside her. She sat down beside me while Hakeem sat down opposite me on the sette. When we had settled down, an uncomfortable silence settled between us.

"Well, are you going to talk to me?" I asked impatiently, looking from Lola to Hakeem. "You guys are being incredibly secretive. Don't think I haven't noticed. There must be something you know about me that I don't." I added, slowly running out of patience.

Hakeem sighed and looked at me. "We don't know how you are going to take this, Aisha." He started. "I'm not even sure if we are in the right position to tell you something as big as this." I frowned at that.

This is getting more serious than I thought.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, my brows furrowed.

"The Madukas' are very ruthless people, all of them." Lola stated like it was some big secret I haven't already figured out. I rolled my eyes.

"Well, I used to be engaged to one that thought beating me up was an hobby, so tell me something I don't know." I said sarcastically.

"Chief Maduka is the worse of them all. Everything you have been hearing on the news about him killing people and making them disappear is all true." Hakeem elaborated. I sat up straight, my interest and curiosity perked.

"Wait, I thought they were all rumours since evidences couldn't be found and he couldn't be proven guilty?" I looked at them, my face contoured in a confused expression.

"That's what everyone thinks but we know better because it was Gobir and Akinfemi legal practice that was handling the case." Lola replied and I looked at Hakeem, shocked. He nodded in agreement to what Lola said. I became speechless immediately.

Was this one of the reasons Emeka didn't want me working at that firm?

Wait, I'm so confused right now.

When Lola saw that I wasn't going to talk, she continued. "Chief Maduka has been involved in several cases of money laundering, murder,  genocide, drug trafficking and selling of harmful chemical, in fact, any terrible thing you can think of." She listed and I folded my hands, listening to her with rapt attention.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now