Chapter 27

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Third Person POV

"The Party has just begun." Hakeem smirked.

Every thing stopped. The Madukas looked like deer caught in head light. Aisha was has confused as ever and so was the court clerk. Ginika had a sinister look on her face.

"What is the meaning of all this?" Munadike regained his composure and kept a straight face.

"What does it look like? We are stopping this excuse of a wedding." Hakeem replied with sarcasm laced in his voice.

"For your information, the contract has been signed and the wedding is more or less over so there is nothing you are stopping. We won and you lost because legally we own whatever belongs to Aisha. Including the gold." Emeka smirked in contempt. Hakeem let out an hearty laugh and so did Ginika, catching Emeka off guard. "What's so funny?"

"Don't gloat yet Emeka, you seem so sure of yourself that it's already a done deal." Hakeem replied. Aisha just watched the exchange, confusion written over her face.

"Because it's already a done deal." Munadike growled.

"For someone that masterminded the whole genocide and basically a plan to stay hidden for a long time, you are very dumb old man." Ginika sassed. Munadike's facial expression turned from angry to mad.

"What do you mean?!" He growled.

"You didn't even the question the fact that o was here with your son. Your greed basically clouded your reasoning capability. I don't think you actually know me but I'm going to introduce myself." Ginika flipped her hair and walked to stand in front of Munadike whose nose flared in anger.

"Do you remember late Mrs Dorothy Chinedu, your mistress from seven years ago." She smirked as she saw the shocked expression on Munadike's face. "You remember her right, the one you poured acid on, because she found out the truth about the Kaura Genocide. I'm her daughter, Barrister Ginika Chinedu and I work for his law firm." She concluded, pointing to Hakeem, who gave a small wave.

"What?!!" Munadike muttered.

"Ohhh, and this contract." She picked up the piece if paper from the clerk who was basically shivering, and tore it into a million pieces. "Is fake." She threw it to his face. Aisha gasped a sob out in relief. She was free.

"No!!!" Munadike screamed.

"Sorry, but you have been double crossed." Hakeem winked at a seething Emeka. On cue, the police began to troop in from different angles and soon they were all surrounded. One came behind Emeka and held his hand behind him and cuffed it. Hakeem ran to meet Aisha and held her to his body as she cried uncontrollably, whispering sweet nothings to her ear. The head police walked up to Munadike.

"You are under arrest for series of murders and murder attempts as well as other forms of human right violation. You have the right to remain silent for all you will say now can be used against you in the court of law." He recited the Miranda warning. Munadike was awestruck. The police came behind him and pushed at him to lead him outside.

"Shhh, it's all over. The worse is over." Hakeem whispered at Aisha as he led her outside.

By the time they got outside, the press was already there, standing and pushing against the army officers to ask questions from Munadike and Emeka. Hakeem being a known person in the society also got bombarded with questions and got hijacked from Aisha but Ginika came to stay with her, trying to calm her down. All of Munadike's men were already in the police van.

Suddenly it was like something snapped his Munadike's eyes. He expertly swerved and pulled the gun out of the side of the police buckle and shoot into the air. There was chaos and pandemonium. The people of the press scattered not minding their cameras or microphones had fallen and were being shattered by the stampede. Munadike shot again to the air and then pointed the gun towards Aisha who froze mortified. Everyone pointed their guns to Munadike but they couldn't shoot. A prime witness was at gun point and they couldn't make a mistake.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now