Chapter 5

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Hakeem's POV

"What do you mean by the witness is dead? How is that possible? We provided a witness security, the strongest in the state and he's dead?" I hit my hand on the table in frustration. Everything was falling into space. This was going to be a major set back.

"From what I found out, the assassin was part of the security. We just don't know who. Not like it is certain anyway, it's just a guess." Jimmy sighed, finally taking his sit.

"We were going to crack this case. This is bull shit." I muttered, palming my face in my hands. "Did he leave any leads?" I asked.

"None that I know of. But seriously, what did we expect. That man is a powerful person in the country. He can move and unmove. This is not the first time he is making someone disappear." Jimmy stated.

"What about his wife? I mean the witnesses' wife." I asked.

"She bailed. And I understand her. She's scared. She left the state. But I got to question her before she did. She doesn't know anything about the case. Her husband didn't exactly carry her along, for safety purposes." Jimmy replied.

"What do we do, Jimmy? Because I'm almost out of options." I told him with all honesty.

"So am I and this is a first because we are always cracking cases like this. This man is really frustrating all our efforts and it's draining." Jimmy replied.

"We have to close this case." That was the only option that came to my head. The only way this demon in a man's body would stop killing innocent people just to cover his tracks.

"What about her?" Jimmy asked. I sighed, knowing exactly who he was talking about.

"She just got here. Besides, I doubt she knows half of what's going on around her."

"But she can help us with this case. She's got a direct access. It would be so easy." Jimmy stated and I scoffed.

"Involving her in this case is very risky. Besides, do you think when she knows who we are fighting against, she'll be willing to help. Think Jimmy." I snapped in frustration and Jimmy rose his hands up in surrender.

"What about him?" Jimmy asked and I glared at him, suddenly feeling my bad mood worsen.

"I am never going to him for help. Jimmy, drop this. It's over." I accepted the fate. Jimmy sighed.

"So, we are closing the case." Jimmy stated and I nodded. "This is humiliating. We never accept defeat." He added in frustration.

"Well, I guess there is a first time for everything." I replied. Jimmy looked away and I pounded the table with my fist.

Damn it.


Aisha's POV

It's been close to a month since I started working at my dream Law firm and it has been really great working there. I've a bit of break from Emeka because he was barely around, running around doing one business or the other for his father. It was pretty relieving.

It was almost two in the afternoon on this particular day and I was making my way to my office from the ladies room. I decided to take a detour and check on Lola who had her office close the conference room. When I got there, I realized that her office was empty. Resolving to come back later, I made to turn only to hear loud voices coming from the Conference room.

What's going on?

I tiptoed to the door and began to hear them clearly.

"Why would you call off that case without informing all of us?!" A voice I recognized as Lola's snapped.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now