Chapter 32

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Ring in Media

Third Person POV

"Marry me, Aisha." Hakeem said, on his knees with his hand stretching the jewelry box forward.

Aisha gasped again and looked at the ring. It was a real diamond silver ring that reflected rainbow colours on the wall as soon as the sun fell on it. It was beautiful. Everything was beautiful. These was what she wanted. These was what she needed.

"Hakeem..." She was utterly speechless. She didn't know how to bring her words out. On the other hand, Hakeem was scared that she might not be ready. That he might have read the signals too fast. That she was going to say no.

"I love you so much, Omolade. I've loved you right from the second you walked into my office. I've never felt this way for any woman and though it's exciting, it's also very scary." He chuckled and Aisha joined him too, through her tears. Hakeem cleared his throat.

"But I don't mind being scared as long as you are here with me. I can't imagine going on the rest of my life without you. You are my woman, the love of my life and I love you with all my soul..." He trailed off again, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Will you marry me, Aisha?" He asked again.

"Yes! Yes! I'll marry you." She screamed and Hakeem sighed in huge relief as joy burst through his chest.

She stretched her left finger and he slipped the ring into her finger before getting up. Aisha eagerly took his face in her hands and pressed her lips against his. Hakeem quickly wrapped his hands around her waist, pulling her close and kissing her with fervour. In a moment, they pulled back and touched foreheads.

"I love you forever." Aisha whispered as she wept. Hakeem chuckled

"I like that. Say it again." He requested.

"I love you forever and ever." She repeated over and over again. Hakeem sighed in utter satisfaction.

"Till my last breath, Amante." He whispered.

"Till my last breath, my love." She repeated. They remained that way till Hakeem remembered something.

"Wait, I have an announcement to make." He turned her around so that her back would be pressed against his chest and went ahead to wrap his hand around her waist. Meanwhile, Aisha was confused about his statement.

"What announcement?" She asked him.

"Hold on, baby." He kissed her cheeks before screaming. "SHE SAID YES!"

"Who are you talking..." Aisha's voice trailed off as people bursted out from hidden spaces, knocking the breath right out of her.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" They screamed. Aisha screamed in excitement as she saw very familiar faces. White and red Balloons were let loose by Nadia and Jimmy.

"Mummy!!" She screamed and ran to hug Amina Coker who was basically shedding tears of joy.

"Omolade... My first daughter is almost getting married! Oluwa seun o." Amina Coker praised God and started to dance. Zaria and Lola came out with a cake that had "She said Yes." Written on it in frosting.

"Aisha!" Zaria screamed. Aisha went to hug her sister.

"It's about damn time!" Lola screamed and Aisha cackled, hugging her too.

"Lemme see your ring." Zaria whined and Aisha proudly showed her. "Chai! See real diamond." She lamented jokingly and Aisha giggled.

"Let me see too." Nadia's voice came from the side, pushing her way to come and check the ring. She looked chubbier and more beautiful with her protruding baby bump. She was just three months gone and her bump was so big. Aisha giggled and showed her the ring. "My brother has eyes for good things, fa." She said and then hugged Aisha. Immediately after, she took a lot at untouched cake

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now