Chapter 24

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Third Person POV

Hakeem left Ginika's house feeling more confused than before. She wasn't the mole, she had assured him that much. But who was? The question kept ringing in his head as he entered the car and started to drive back to the firm.

He got back to his office in no time and went back to his office. Jimmy sighted him and followed behind. When they entered the office, Hakeem turned around and looked at Jimmy who shrugged, waiting for an explanation.

"What did she say?" Jimmy asked.

"She's not the mole." Hakeem sighed dejected.

"Did you expect her to confess immediately like that. I know I vouched for her earlier but we can never be so sure." Jimmy stated. Hakeem plopped down on his seat and scratched his temple.

"She's not the mole. Jimmy you said it yourself, she's a bitch but she's that much of a bitch. She wouldn't risk her whole career on the back of jealousy. Besides, she wants Munadike to be apprehended more than we do." He replied and Jimmy raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Munadike killed her mother. I can't go into details now but she is not the mole. I know Ginika, she's anything but a liar." Hakeem concluded. Jimmy sighed.

"Then who is it? Because I really can't place my mind on anyone right now." Jimmy said. Hakeem was about to say something when his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and his face lit.

"It's Aisha." He told Jimmy who sat up. He picked up the call and was about to say hello when I heard a familiar voice.

"What is she saying." Jimmy asked and Hakeem shushed him, putting his phone on speaker and keeping it on the table. He tapped the recording button and soon it was recording. We sat quietly and listened

"What are you doing here? Are you here to kill me just like you killed my grandparents, uhn?" That was Aisha's voice. We heard Munadike chuckle before he spoke.

"Trust me my dear girl, I'd want nothing more than to do that because I have wanted to kill you since the day I found out you were the one who had my gold!"

He is confessing! Hakeem looked at Jimmy and he had a smile on his face. This is by far the highest breakthrough we have experienced in this case

"That gold is mine, not yours. My grandparents willed that gold to me because it's rightfully mine..." Aisha snapped and there was a shuffle in the background till we heard a gasp. Hakeem sat up straight and clenched his fist in anger. That bastard was hitting his woman.

"That gold is mine! I can't kill an entire town and get nothing out of it. Whether you like it or not, you are going to marry my son this weekend and you are going to sign the properties, willing every single gold on that island to him." Muna stated his tone straight.

Yes!! Keep talking old bastard, pour it all out!

"And what if I don't." Aisha dared to ask. Muna laughed a loud rumbling laughter. Hakeem loomed at Jimmy who had his chin in his hands.

"You know what I'm capable of young lady. Try any funny business and I'd kill your entire family one by one right before your eyes. I'd make their death so slow and painful, from your father, right down to the sister you so want to protect. You know I'm not bluffing. So be wise." Muna concluded. Hakeem's eyes widened and immediately Jimmy got the message.

The Safety for Aisha's parents

There were shuffles in the background and Aisha's muffled sobs.

𝐀𝐧 𝐀𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐥'𝐬 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 (𝙱𝚃𝚂 𝙵𝙰𝙼𝙸𝙻𝚈 𝚂𝙴𝚁𝙸𝙴𝚂 #𝟹)Where stories live. Discover now