Stolen blueprints.

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My back hit the lockers. "Stolen!? How?" I asked astonished. "You tell me, you were the one that stole them, and you can't lie to the cameras." Jenny yelled outraged. "I had absolutely nothing to do with this madness!!" I yelled back not caring about the students watching us. "Let me get this straight." She said pressing me harder every second. "You steal the blueprints, you lie about this, and now you sell these blueprints to someone that might use them against me?!" She kept on yelling.

"Sell them!? I never stopped by your house yesterday, I never came into your house, and what makes you think I would sell the blueprints?" I told her. "I still don't understand how you got past some of the security cameras." She pushed me even harder. Suddenly to my relief a bang was heard followed by the students screaming. "You're lucky I have to go see what's wrong thief." She extended her robot wings and flew away.

I got a glimpse of what was blowing things up. "Whiplash!? This is not okay, this is not his dimension!" I thought as I saw his energy whips.

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